Chapter #20

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"How was work?" Pansy asked when I walked inside.

I couldn't help the smile on my face. It had been there since lunch.

Instead of going upstairs and sleeping like I usually did, I went into the room where all the other Slytherins were. I sat in one of the chairs and watched them play a muggle card game called UNO.

I was still smiling and thinking about what happened at lunch when Pansy came and sat next to me.

"Why are you so happy?" She asked me.

I tried to hide my smile but quickly failed, "I'm not. Who is winning?"

Pansy smiled at me, "Draco don't change the subject. You are practically glowing. What happened?"

Everyone looked up and crowded around me.

I smiled back at Pansy, "Really it's nothing. I promise."

Everyone laughed and Pansy gave me a desperate look.

"You're smiling like your crush just asked you out." Astoria laughed.

I smiled at her and tried to act like that wasn't it. But Pansy is smarter than that.

She stopped bouncing on the couch with joy and gave me a serious look, "That's what happened isn't it? Harry asked you out!" Her voice contained so much joy and hope.

It broke my heart slightly. How excited she was about this. It probably wouldn't work out, I mean it is Potter and myself after all. I gave her a slight smile, "Pansy, promise me you won't get your hopes up too much."

She swallowed forcefully, "I won't."

I smiled back at her, "Then yes. Harry asked me out."

Pansy laughed happily and her eyes filled with tears. I gave her a slight glare.

"I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm just happy that he asked you out that's all." She said but gave a look to the girls to where they all stood up and started laughing and cheering.

I felt myself beaming at the sight and Blaise patted my shoulder affectionately, "This is great mate."

I smiled at him. 


332 Words 

Sorry for such a short chapter... 

Have a good day!

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