Chapter #23- Part 2

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"Do your friends know?" Harry asked.

"That you asked me out?" I asked him.

He smiled slightly at me, "Yeah."

I nodded, "Do yours?"

He shrugged.

I laughed slightly, "How can you not know?"

He smiled at me, "I mean I haven't told them but I'm pretty sure Hermione knows. She always knows."

I smiled at him. But he frowned slightly, "Do you not want people to know?"

I gave him a confused look, "Why do you ask?"

He shrugged, "You let go of my hand earlier."

I squeezed his hand slightly but also looked away with a slight frown, "I- I don't care if people know. I just wasn't sure if you wanted to be dating a death eater."

Harry stopped walking and turned me towards him, "Draco, you aren't a death eater. Not to me. And I like you and want people to know that because you mean a lot to me and I want everyone to see that."

I smiled at Harry, "So inspirational no wonder you were the Savior."

Harry laughed lightly and pulled me towards him. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head onto my neck.

I felt myself smile, "I like you too Harry. A lot."

I could feel his smile against my neck before he pulled away from me. He grabbed my hand again and we headed to the house.

Before opening the door I turned to Harry, "They all know about us or whatever. Pansy is extremely happy about all this so just be prepared yeah?"

Potter laughed lightly but nodded.

I smiled back but opened the door cautiously.

Pansy suddenly appeared in front of me smiling brightly, "Hermione and Ron are here." She said.

I nodded and pointed lightly to Harry behind me. Her smile brightened and I gave her a small glare but she ignored me.

"Welcome Harry! Here let's go to the common room." Pansy said with a smile.

I nodded and followed after Pansy with Harry right behind me.

"How was Teddy?" She asked.

I smiled slightly, "He's good. He's going to something called primary school."

"What's that?" Pansy asked me.

I shrugged, "I couldn't tell you but he always asks for help with his maths. I don't understand any of it though."

Harry chuckled lightly and I turned around and gave him a confused look.

"Sorry I just never thought I would hear you say you didn't understand something." He said with a smile.

I shook my head but smiled slightly.

Pansy gave me a look with bright eyes before turning to Harry, "Draco has changed quite a bit Harry. But this is a rare occasion even for me." She laughed slightly and I rolled my eyes.

"You were a muggle once right Harry? Tell us then what's maths." I asked sitting down on the floor next to Blaise.

He gave a slight smile and sat down, "Uh well it's like having one number and combining it with another to get another number, if that makes sense."

I shook my head, "Definitely didn't. Good thing you become an Auror Potter, you would be a terrible professor."

He rolled his eyes but smiled.

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