Chapter #28- Part 2

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I smiled at him and we all talked for a little longer before they left. I swallowed my tears as Pansy walked back into the room. "There are some other people here for you too." I gave a slight nod.

Ron and Hermione walked into the room and gave me sad looks. I gave them weak smiles and we had a short conversation about this and that before they left too.

I sighed and laid back in my bed as the others joined me. They all crowded around my bed and we talked.

Soon enough it was 5 and the others left to a noise downstairs. I watched the door for a little while before hearing a light knock on it.

"Come in." I said.

Harry walked in and gave me a weak smile. His eyes were red and he sat at the edge of my bed.

I felt my eyes pool with tears but I gave him a slight smile.

He let out a heavy breath and looked at me with hurt eyes.

I reached for his hand and held it for a second, "I'll miss you Harry."

He let out a breathy laugh, "Not nearly as much as I'm going to miss you Draco."

I gave him a sad look, "You'll be okay though right?"

He looked down at his lap, "I'm not sure."

I sat up slowly wincing only slightly at the pain it caused me, "Harry, you will find that person who you love one day. And you will be so happy, you hear me." I brushed some of his hair out of his face, "All I ever want is for you to be happy."

He took a short breath, "I already found the person I love Draco. It's you. I love you." A tear fell down his face as I froze up.

"What did you say?"

He looked at me for a second, "I love you Draco."

I let out an almost laugh and pulled his head towards me. I kissed him for a second before pulling away, "You do?"

He nodded but tears still fell down his face, "Why do you seem so happy about this? Today is your last day."

I shook my head lightly and smiled at him, "You broke the curse Harry."

He looked at me for a few seconds before standing up. A smile grew on his face. He placed his hands on my face and pressed our lips together, "I love you Draco. I love you so much."

I gave a slight laugh and kissed him back, "I love you too Harry."

He smiled brightly and ran to get Pansy. She then ran back into my room with the others, "He broke the curse?" She asked in a joyous tone.

I nodded and smiled at her. She jumped up and down a few times before throwing her arms around Harry, "Thank you Harry. Thank you!"

Harry smiled at her and hugged her back. Soon though Pansy let go and her and the others crowded around me.

The others were buzzing with joy and I was smiling with them, relief washing over me. I made eye contact with Harry. He was standing against the wall of my tiny room. He didn't have a smile on his face anymore and I could tell something was wrong.

I gave him a worried look and he soon looked up at me. I gave him a slight smile but also a confused look which he responded with a smile and a shrug before throwing his finger over his shoulder and mouthing "I'm going to go."

I gave him another confused look and desperately wanted to get up and tell him to get back here and lay down with me but I couldn't move and I couldn't get him to come back.

Pansy gave me a bright smile, "Draco. I'm going to call the doctor okay?"

I looked down for a second but then put a smile on my face and nodded to her.

Once the doctor arrived she ran some tests on me, "You'll be fine Draco. You need to rest for a few days then we'll talk about the next steps."

I nodded to her and thanked her for everything. She nodded and smiled at me before leaving. 


716 Words 

Hope everyone has a great day!!!

It's as simple as I Love You.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें