Chapter #17

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The next time I woke up I could tell it was still dark outside. I was a bit scared at first, I didn't know where I was. But then I remembered the party last night and how I passed out. I shook my head at my own stupidity.

There was a slight movement next to me and I jumped a bit. The person woke up and gave a weak smile, "Morning."

I gave a confused look, "good morning?" I questioned slightly.

They laughed and reached over to grab their wand and lit it up before looking back at me. It took me a second to realize it was Potter.

He sat up slowly, "You passed out last night. I took you to Pansy's room but found her sleeping sideways in the bed and decided to take you here instead."

I smiled at him, "Well thank you then. Sorry to wake you up."

He shook his head but yawned, "Just lay back down Malfoy. You need more sleep."

I shook my head, "I said we would be out of your hair early. And will clean up."

"No sleep. I'm more worried about your health then my house."

I sighed and laid back down. The room was quiet, something I really don't remember anymore. I placed an arm over my eyes and tried to focus on sleeping but soon sat up straight.

Potter followed my actions, "What's wrong?" He asked me.

I looked down at the t-shirt I was wearing. Then looked over at my bare arm. Then felt across my body slowly. I felt like I was panicking and there was nowhere for me to go. I turned away from Potter and my breath started to stagger. My eyes filled with tears and my body tensed up.

Potter moved closer to me and placed a hand gently on my arm, "You're okay Draco. Everything is okay. Everything is fine."

It took me a few seconds to calm down and once I was I felt all the tears fall down my face. I tried to whip them away but they just kept coming. Potter had moved around and moved me slightly so that we would be looking at each other, "What's wrong? Everything is good right now. There is nothing wrong."

He whipped away a few of my tears.

I gave a small laugh and tried to breath. I pretended I was fine and that nothing had happened and laid back down.

Potter slowly followed. Resting on his elbows looking at me. He waited a long time before speaking again, "What just happened?"

I didn't look back at him, "I don't know what you are talking about." I had placed my arm so that Potter couldn't see it.

He picked up on it though, "Is it because of your dark mark?"

I didn't answer. Just kept looking back at the ceiling.

Potter reached over me and grabbed my left arm with the mark on it. He placed his hand over it and looked back at me, "I don't care about it Draco. It means nothing to me."

I laughed, "It means everything though. Your parents died because of that mark, everyone died because of it."

"Yeah but all it is is that, a mark, and that's not who you are."

I gave a slight laugh, "Don't go all sappy on me."

He laughed too, "I'm not, I'm being honest. I don't care that you have this mark."

I waited a long second before responding, "Yeah. Just like you don't care about my other marks." I asked softly. The words were supposed to be cold but the way I said them made them sound more hurt than cold. I turned my head away from him.

He sat up and looked over at me, "I care about them." He said softly.

I gave a faint laugh, "You saw them last night and I mentioned it way back but before then did you even know it had scarred?"

Potter didn't say anything.

I didn't know why I was saying these things. Potter had saved my life back during the war, he talked at my trial, he had made sure I was okay both times I had passed out, and here I was making him feel bad for the scars that I didn't even acknowledge anymore.

I let out a sigh and went to stand up. My headache had come back and I felt weaker than I had in a very long time, but I pretended to be fine.

"Draco, you aren't feeling well. Come back and sleep." Potter's faint voice came to where I was standing.

I took a breath but it was a bit shakier than I wanted it to be. Why was it so hard to leave right now?

I looked down at the floor, "Thank you for letting us stay, and inviting us to the party. We will clean up then be out of your way."

Potter let out a soft, almost laugh, almost sad sound, but I left to grab the others before I could hear if he had anything to say.


850 Words

Sorry for not updating recently.. I hope you are enjoying the story! 

Have a great day everyone!! 

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