Chapter #13

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"Draco you seriously need to eat." Granger told me.

It had been about a month since I had passed out. Pansy had told me that Potter was the one who brought me home. I hadn't really remembered the night the day after but as the days went by I remembered more and more.

Now I was fine. I mean as fine as one could be when they were dying. I was becoming weaker and weaker with each week that passed. Recently it had become clear that my magic was starting to give away. Not super noticeably but it had become harder to sort through the mail with magic. I started to shift through the stalker notes by hand which was proving to be difficult.

Now I was at lunch with Granger and Weasley. I had gotten food even though I really don't want to eat and I had been shifting through it slowly. I gave a weak smile to Granger, "Yes but this food is looking awfully unappetizing."

They both just sighed and we all just sat in silence for a long time. I was thinking about all the things I still wanted to do and started making a mental list.

Weasley slammed his fork down loudly and I gave him a confused look.

"What's been up with you Draco? Did you see a healer, you've been sick for forever."

I nodded and smiled lightly, "I'm just sick. It's nothing big. I'll be fine in no time."

Weasley gave me a look of disbelief. Granger looked towards the wall and I saw a tear fall down her face. I gave her a confused look.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked kindly.

She just shook her head. I sighed and leaned my head back.

"You know what's wrong with me don't you?" I asked her looking back at my food.

She gave me a knowing look and I let out a shaky breath.

"What are you guys talking about? You know Hermione? Tell me." Weasley said and placed a hand onto Granger's.

I shook my head before looking up at Weasley, "I'm dying. I got hit by a curse, I've only got 6 months left." Weasley's eyes went big and he opened his mouth to say something but I placed a hand up, "Don't be boring okay? And I don't want anyone to know, especially Potter."

No one spoke for a long time.

"Alright. I won't tell him." Weasley said and Granger nodded. Whipping her tear stricken face.


417 words

Sorry for the long wait for this update.. 

Hope everyone has a great day!

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