Chapter #8

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A month or so went by of me working on Potter's mail. Everyday Weasley would come get me for lunch and we were usually joined by Granger.

Weasley would sometimes stop by the house to bring by potions from Granger.

Pansy stopped trying to come up with other ideas of what I could do to get Potter's attention and started to focus more on the time we had left together.

I started to lose my appetite for food and my headaches seemed to get even worse. And I felt sick at all times. But I still looked like my normal self and acted like it too.

It was now the 3rd month mark and the only people who knew I was about to die were Pansy and my doctor.

I went to work and started sorting through Potter's mail. His stalkers were getting more wordy with their messages.

"Ron! I told you I didn't want anyone going through my mail!" Potter's voice boomed through the area.

I took a quick breath but kept on going.

"Harry! You saw all those messages from those creeps who just want to get in bed with you! At work too. I was just helping."

Potter made a sound of annoyance, "Who is it then? Who is sorting through my mail."

"Uhhh." Weasley's voice was quiet.

Weasley must have offered to show him the way because in no time they were at my cubicle. I just kept working even when Potter pulled my chair back forcefully. The broken wheel caused it to topple over and I once again landed with a smack.

The headache I was trying to keep down now pounded against my head and I put one of my arms above my eyes, "This happens way too often." I mumbled.

Weasley dropped to the floor to help me. Potter just stood there looking completely shocked.

"You gave Malfoy the job of sorting through my mail!" He said after I was off the ground and Weasley was next to him again.

I sighed, my voice was quiet, "Oh no I don't mind just come in, let me fall, and then yell about me. All good over here."

Potter sadly heard me and glared at me. I just put my hands up defensively again and went back to my work.

"Ron!" Potter's voice reminded me of a little baby who didn't get his way, I wanted to laugh but decided it probably wasn't the best idea.

"Harry listen to me." Weasley said after a few seconds he continued, "All those stalkers and stuff I thought it would be better for you if they were burnt. And I chose Malfoy because he's probably the only one in this building who doesn't praise the ground you walk on."

I nodded and got back to reading the latest letter from my personal favorite of his stalkers, #1, I called him. Whoever they were they always made jokes instead of saying creepy stuff like the others did.

I practically forgot the others were there and snorted as I read one of #1's letters.

"What is it?" Potter's voice was cold and harsh.

"Oh sorry. I forgot you were here actually-"

"See! He doesn't even care that we are having a conversation back here. It obviously doesn't matter."

Potter didn't say anything but I could feel his eyes on me. I lifted up the letter and he took it slowly, "Stalker #1. They always have the nicest things to say. And a good sense of humor."

Potter read through it and set it back onto my desk, "That's creepy, not nice."

I laughed lightly, "You should see stalker #3's letters." I shivered at the thought then made my voice all high and girly, "Oh Harry. I'm such a big fan of yours! I've been in love with you since you were 1. Thank you so much for saving our lives!"

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