Bun pt 2 🍑

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"Koo baby it's bath time" Taehyung called down to his boyfriend who was in the living room while he ran a warm bath.
"Coming daddy" Jungkook called softly, running upstairs to the bathroom.
He walked in to the bathroom and hugged the elder tightly.
"Hey baby boy" Taehyung chuckled, petting the boys head.

Jungkook had been living with Taehyung for 6 months now. After a month the two confessed their feelings to each other and became boyfriends. Jungkook was only a couple of years younger than him although he didn't act like it, he acted so much younger. But Taehyung didn't care, he loved him and his personality.

"Arms up for me bun" Taehyung chimed to the shorter boy.
He obediently lifted up his arms, reaching them up over his head. Taehyung pulled the shirt up and over his bed, making Jungkook shiver from the cold air hitting his body. He then pulled the boys pants down leaving him completely naked in front of Tae. Jungkook blushed shyly, a habit of his. Tae had seen him naked many times before, yet Taehyung still managed to make him shy.
"Baby how many times have I told you not to be shy around me"
"Sowy daddy"
Taehyung just smiled and placed a kiss on the younger's lips before sweeping him off his feet and carrying him over to the bath. He slowly lowered him into the bath until he was fully comfortable.

Jungkook played with the rubber duck which he always had great fun playing with. His small giggles echoed through the bathroom as the water poured down his face. Taehyung washed Jungkook with his own hand as everything else seemed to hurt Jungkook's sensitive skin. He started from the top and slowly made his way down. Taehyung carefully cleaned Jungkook's private area making the boy cover his face with his ears, which made Tae chuckle.

As Jungkook was finishing up in the bath, he felt his stomach start to hurt. His body became hot, even after just getting out the bath. He let out a whine in pain, resting his head against the bath as Tae drained the water.
"Are you okay baby?" Taehyung asked worriedly.
"Daddy, k-koo's tum tum hurts" Jungkook whined again.
"Awh baby, it's okay let's get you to bed" Taehyung helped the boy stand up and quickly wrapped him in a clean, fluffy towel. He picked him up and took him to their room, laying him on the bed. Jungkook laid down, holding his stomach, and his breathing became erratic. Tae walked into the walk in wardrobe to get him and Jungkook some clothes, but when he got back he was surprised by the sight in front of him.

Jungkook had pushed off the towel and had a pillow under him. The younger was humping the pillow at a quick pace making him let out a string of moans. Jungkook looked to the side and saw his boyfriend standing there.
"D-daddy it hurts" Jungkook cried out making grabby hands towards him.
Taehyung walked to Jungkook sitting the boy up.
"Did you take your heat suppressants baby?" Taehyung asked moving some hair out of the boys sweaty face.
"N-nu koo forgot, sowy daddy" Jungkook wobbled his bottom lip nervously.
"It's okay baby, do you trust daddy?" Taehyung asked with seriousness in his voice.
"Yesh koo trusts daddy" Jungkook said before letting out another whine.

"Okay baby lay back for me" Taehyung commanded.
Jungkook laid back straight away and watched as Tae crawled on top of him. Tae started running his hands all over Jungkook's body causing Jungkook to whimper. Tae began kissing the boys chest, biting his skin leaving marks.
"D-daddy pwease help koo" Jungkook whined under his breath.
"As you wish my beautiful boy" Taehyung made his way down to the boys shaft which was leaking precum. Taehyung leant down and attached his lips to the tip, holding onto Jungkook's legs securely to stop him from moving.
"D-daddy, t-that's d-dirty" Jungkook moaned shyly as he tried to form words.
He tried to ignore the pleasure he was getting, and worried for the elder instead.

Taehyung pulled away for a brief moment and looked at his boyfriend right in the eyes.
"Just relax baby, don't worry" Taehyung husked out lowly before attaching his lips back on the boys member.
Taehyung slid his tongue around the boys shaft, sucking harshly, making Jungkook release whimpers.
"D-daddy k-koo feels funny" Jungkook whined.
Taehyung ignored him and carried on, till he felt his baby release in his mouth. Taehyung pulled away and swallowed it with a smirk, while Jungkook was left shocked, he thought he had just pissed in his mouth. Tears formed in Jungkook's eyes, which Tae didn't fail to notice.
"Baby what's wrong?" Taehyung asked softly.
"Koo's sowy, k-koo just p-peed in daddy's mouth" Jungkook cried nervously.
"No baby, don't cry. You were supposed to, it wasn't pee okay baby, don't cry. Just relax for me, this next thing will hurt okay. Tell me to stop if you feel uncomfortable okay"
Jungkook just nodded and relaxed his body.

Taehyung let go of the boys legs and forced him to widen them.
"This will feel uncomfortable, but it'll change into pleasure" Taehyung reassured before grabbing some lube and a condom from the cabinet draw next to them.
He lubed his fingers and slowly pushed one into his hole. Jungkook shouted and shifted slightly trying to feel more comfortable. Taehyung began thrusting his fingers back and forth, causing Jungkook to moan out in pleasure.
"Okay baby, you're fully prepared, this will hurt a lot, just take your time"

Taehyung slipped a condom onto himself and began pushing himself into Jungkook's hole. He waited patiently till Jungkook nodded. The boy had tears streaming down his face, as he felt himself getting ripped in half.
"Koo's ready" Jungkook sniffed.
Taehyung held Jungkook's leg and began thrusting into the boy. Jungkook repeated high pitch moans, and unformed words, telling the elder to go faster, which of course Tae did.

"D-daddy koo f-feels funny again" Jungkook whined.
"It's okay baby, you can release" Taehyung growled.
Jungkook quickly released with a shaky moan, while Taehyung thrusted at an animalistic pace, riding out his high. Taehyung finally released following with a low moan.
He pulled out and tied the knot on the condom, throwing it away. Taehyung crashed next to the boy and pulled Jungkook into his embrace.
"Are you feeling any better?" Taehyung asked softly holding Jungkook close, pressing kisses onto the boys cheek.
"Koo feels better daddy" Jungkook sighed weakly, holding onto Tae's chest tightly.
"I'm glad bun"

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