tired little ✨

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>Little Jungkook is tired and begins to act bratty towards Tae. So Taehyung ends up punishing him but the boy can't handle it<
Mentions of-
•little space age 4
not an aggressive punishment
•online learning
•not proof read, i'm too tired 🗿

Requested by @abiskzh

"Daddddyyyy" Jungkook whined from the bedroom in a tiny voice.
"I'm coming baby" Taehyung called back, shaking a milk carton as he walked into their room.
Taehyung turned on the bedroom light and saw the younger pouting at the elder.
"G'morning baby" Taehyung smiled softly, walking over and sitting at the edge of the bed next to the little.
"M-morwning" Jungkook yawned tiredly, rubbing his eyes with balled fists.
"Don't do that baby it'll hurt kookie's eyes hmm" Taehyung pulled the boys fists from his eye.
"Sowy" Jungkook pouted tiredly, shuffling towards the elder, and crawled onto his lap.
Taehyung smiled softly, and let the younger rest his head next to his neck.

"Don't fall asleep baby, we have online school in half an hour, so no falling asleep okay" Taehyung patted the boys bum softly.
"M'kay daddy" Jungkook yawned nuzzling his face into the boys neck, feeling tiredness wash over him from the long week of school they have had.
"Here I have your banana milk" Taehyung gave the boy the carton of milk he got earlier.
"Nana miwlk" Jungkook giggled tiredly, before taking a few sips.
"Baby we need to get you ready" Taehyung rubbed circles on the boys back, while the younger finished the last sips of the carton.
Jungkook whined, and clung onto Tae's body.
Taehyung smiled and held onto him tightly, shuffling off the bed and stood to his feet. Jungkook giggled to himself as he played with Tae's hooped earring.

He placed the boy on the counter in the bathroom and grabbed a damp cloth. He brought it to the younger's face and dabbed on the skin softly, washing his face carefully. Jungkook was busy singing different songs he had heard recently, making Tae smile. He brushed Jungkook's hair, making it go fluffy. When they finished getting ready, he took him back to the bedroom and walked to their wardrobe.

"Koo what do you want to wear baby?" Taehyung asked scanning the wardrobe.
He edged closer to some pair of jeans but Jungkook whined.
"Koo wants to wear nothing" Jungkook pouted.
"You can't be naked baby, we have class"
"Nuu" Jungkook screamed.
Taehyung sighed and grabbed the pair of jeans and oversized jumper before walking to the boy.
"Bub, it'll be for less than 2 hours, and then you can wear whatever you like, so please do daddy a favour and wear these clothes"
"Nu daddy's a meanie, koo nu want clowthes" Jungkook thrashed around making it difficult for the elder.
"Koo I'm going to count to three and if you don't let me put these clothes on you, I will make you do your classes without me there" Taehyung demanded.

Because of covid they've been having online lessons for a few months now and every time they had a lesson while Jungkook was in little space, Taehyung would sit with him the whole time and help the boy as he was in the mind of a 4 year old there was no way little Jungkook would understand the work. So instead he would sit through and keep the little entertained or would let him sleep on his lap, so it looked like they both attended but really Jungkook wasn't paying any attention at all. Then when he was in big space they would be together but work themselves and would only ask for help from one another when needed. So Taehyung used this as a punishment as Jungkook would want Tae's attention the whole time but he wouldn't get it.

"NO!" Jungkook screamed.
"1...2....3" Taehyung counted down and Jungkook was still thrashing around.
"Right that's it, wear the jumper and keep your pants on, i'll make sure your on your lesson and then i'll attend the lesson in another room. You are not allowed to come to me, and you must sit through the whole lesson unless I say so" Taehyung growled in annoyance.
Jungkook cried and whined not liking that he was getting punished.
Taehyung left the room and went to set up both his and Jungkook's laptop in two different rooms, leaving the little to change himself.
Jungkook grabbed the hoodie and put it on himself with some struggle but he was able to complete the task. Once done he left the room and tried to find Tae.

Jungkook saw Taehyung setting up his laptop, so he walked over fiddling with the end of his sleeves.
"Here, I've set your laptop up, you better sit through your class like a good boy, i'll be watching" Taehyung spoke to the little before walking off to attend the same class himself but in another room.
Jungkook nervously gulped and sat down at the table, sitting in front of the camera. The lesson started and he joined the call. The little tried to force big kookie out but he couldn't and nothing was working.

As the lesson went on Jungkook grew tireder and tireder, because usually at this point he would be napping on Taehyung's lap, but he wasn't. He could see Taehyung on the screen and how he kept watching him, before writing down more notes. Jungkook was hating it. He was grumpy, tired, upset and sad that Tae was angry with him.

"I'll give you a 5 minute break" the teacher said as she tried to sort some things out.
The little took his chance, so he turned off his laptop and ran to the spare room which Tae was in. He opened the door and began to sob.
"Koo's sowy daddy, Koo shouwld have listwened. Pwease daddy" Jungkook sobbed, wiping his face with his sleeve.
Tae looked at the boy and sighed, he knew that the boy was tired, so he knew Jungkook was going to lash out, but thankfully this punishment had sorted him out.
"Come here daddy forgive his baby" Taehyung smiled, opening up his arms wide, making Jungkook rushed towards him, jumped on the bed and fell into Tae's chest.
He stuffed his face in Tae's neck, crying softly.
"Don't cry baby, daddy's not angry. I know you're tired and I know you don't want to do school, but you have to okay, as there's no reason for you to lash out at me when you're tired" Taehyung kissed the boys head repeatedly, softly ruffling his hair.
"Koo's sowy daddy" Jungkook clung onto him.
"It's okay bubba"

Jungkook crawled into the elders lap, wrapping his legs around Tae's waist and his arms around his neck. He rested his head on the elders shoulder, as he slowly drifted off to sleep, while Taehyung continued to do the work.

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