Chapter 3

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The early rays of sunshine woke him up in the morning. The yellow light hurt his head, although he kept his eyes closed. The sheets and the pillow case smelled like the mixture of soap and some kind of flower, which calmed him down a bit.
He must have been sleeping in a nice bed.

Harry finally opened his eyes to look around, but as soon as he saw that in fact, he wasn't the only person in the bed, his heart missed a beat. Harry sat up quickly and grabbed the blanket, while considering his pulse, he should of been already dead.
The boy turned around and sleepily muttered the words.

"I'm cold, give it back..."

Harry's heart was still racing, but when he realised the situation, it slowed down a bit.
It was Niall.
A shirtless Niall.

...Why was he shirtless?

"What are you doing in my bed?" he asked, his voice shaking. He still had the clothes on - his legs were burning in those skinny jeans - but the blonde boy had only his underpants on. He already hated the thought of them doing something, but at least it looked like they stopped.

"What's Liam doing in MY bed?" Niall answered, still half asleep and blindly looking for the warm blanket.

Harry gave it back to him and gazed at the other side of the room. His best friend was there indeed and he seemed to be so calm, Harry almost felt sorry about what he was planning to do. Obviously he had to wake them up, their whole new university life was about to start...

...Start with a massive hangover, but that was just a tiny detail.

His head hurt and felt dizzy as well and on top of everything it was already 10 am in the morning, which meant that he had only 20 minutes to gather himself.

"Liam, Niall..." he sighed and tried to be loud, but even his own voice made the headache worse. "...I think we should go to our class."

"No, I don't. We need to rest." the irish boy said, almost suffering.

"I wish you'd say that when you're drinking." the other boy added.

Harry just shook his head, rubbed his face and walked into the bathroom to take a look at the damage he caused on the previous night.
The wavy brown curls looked ruffled, the bandana was just hanging there like a weird fabric necklace and the clothes he had on smelled like beer and were sticky probably because of that too.

Go to college, they said. It's gonna be a fresh start, they said.


A long shower and some usual overthinking later, he went back to the room only to find his friends slowly dying over there. Niall was just like Liam, not a morning person at all. Noted.

"Take a shower, it'll help. Not necessarily you, but the people around you." he threw a towel at the blonde boy and let a tiny smile appear on his lips. Although he didn't remember everything - alright, he had more of the blurry memories than the clear ones - he knew that they were drinking all night and after they accidentally slept together, he felt more comfortable to crack jokes and maybe annoy his roommate a bit.

"Shut up Harold, it's all your fault. You made me drink irish whiskey, so I can 'dance like a cute elf', you said. "

Harry's eyes widened and his cheeks became a little bit red as well. "...I did?"

"Yeah, the entire conversation was simply painful to watch." Liam cut in with a sigh. He felt definitely better than the others and in this way he remembered of everything that happened, but the mornings were still killing him.

"So you know about everything that happened?" Harry ignored the story, since he wanted to know only one thing.

"Almost, yeah."

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now