Chapter 5

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Although it was their own huge party, Louis felt kind of lost. Sure, the music was great, there were enough drinks on the table and the girls did everything they could in order to look attractive, but he wasn't the same person as in the past two years at the university. He couldn't believe how his morals changed during the first two weeks of September; moreover he really hated it. Everything has been fine here: he had friends, a bright career at the football team and girls. A bunch of one night stands, which made him feel less lonely, since.... so, less lonely.

And Hailey. He had Hailey.

As if she's been reading in his mind, one pair of perfectly manicured hands stroke down his chest to the line of his black jeans.

"Lewiiis," Hailey said, smiling wild. She rested her chin on the boy's shoulder and enjoyed the situation too much.

Louis flinched a bit and suddenly felt uncomfortable. The way she pressed her body to his back and touched him as they were a couple was out of the boundaries.

"Told you to stop calling me like that." he replied and turned around to finally escape from the tight grip. Usually he would of already got drunk, made sure everyone was having fun then took the girl into his room.

But this time he definitely didn't follow the usual schedule.

The party started more than two hours ago, but the person who should of been there hasn't shown up yet. It made him unsettled.

Hailey - wasn't being the most sober girl there - didn't even notice the tension and grabbed Louis' white shirt with one hand and his green denim jacket with the other. "But it's funny."

"Very funny, I'm dying of laughter." he rolled his eyes and took one more sip of the beer, glancing at the door. Sure, Harry didn't promise to come, but after how he ignored him all week at the university and made sure not to run into him, he thought the minimum of him was to show up at the party.

Like it mattered, after all.

Hailey let off his clothes and raised her eyebrows. "Don't be grumpy over a fucking nickname, what are you, 13?"

"On a scale from 1 to 10, absolutely," Louis shrugged with a dull expression and put down the bottle of beer. He sighed and finally looked at the girl. "I'm not into sex tonight, okay? Go and get someone else."

Hailey's eyes kinda darkened and she clenched her jaw. She was very pissed, cause of course, she wasn't used to not getting what she wanted. Sure, they weren't a couple, more like friends with benefits, but his words still got on her nerves.

"Fine," she spoke out finally in a cold tone. "But if I see you with someone else..." she stepped closer and put her finger under his chin. "I'll make that girl's life a living hell. Just sayin'."

In the next moment, Hailey kissed him with too much passion and she also bit the boy's lips to kinda mark her territory. Her red lips tasted like the mixture of whiskey and strong weed, which could of been attractive to anyone else, but not to Louis at the moment.

He stepped further from her and shook his head, while touching his mouth.

"What the fuck was that?"

"A reminder of what you won't get tonight." And on that note, Hailey left him in the living room.

Louis was about to remind her where's the door to leave his house, when he saw those green eyes staring at him from the doorstep.

What a nice way to meet again.

He didn't mean to think about it or analyse it, but Harry looked pretty. He wasn't just "handsome" or "kinda good-looking", no. The younger boy was pretty.

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now