Chapter 18

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"Mate, you can't come here."

"Hey, leave the field!"

"What the fuck, didn't you hear Matt?"

Harry indeed heard Matt, but first of all, didn't care about him, secondly he had no idea who these people were. Not some random footballer will tell him what he can do and what's going against the rules, when Louis was still on the ground, not moving.

The painful shout kept echoing in his head, like the most heartbreaking song ever and he couldn't erase if from his mind.

Harry had to hustle a bit to get close to him. He ignored all of the surprised voices and comments and got down on his knees next to his boyfriend.

"Hey, don't try to move, don't make it worse." he spoke, somehow managing to hide the shaking in his voice.

"I'm fine, don't panic, I'm okay." Louis forced the words out of himself. It was obviously a huge lie, since his whole left arm and shoulder hurt like hell and he couldn't breathe properly, but as he processed that his Harry was right there in front of everyone, he just couldn't let him have a panic attack.

Harry ignored the words and gently touched the wounded shoulder. He didn't have to be a doctor to see that something was very wrong with it.

"Who the hell are you?" A deep voice made him perk up and although Harry assumed it must be the coach, an important person, he didn't even glance at him.

"A medical student. He needs a doctor," the lie came out quickly, and he nodded to Zayn. "Get him a doctor as soon as possible."

Louis' roommate was about to go, when the older guy spoke again.

"No, Malik stays. Tomlinson, stop acting and get up!" The man ordered without a little empathy.

Louis tried to move, but a sharp ache split into his left shoulder, triggering another painful groan from him. Harry gasped and placed a hand on the boy's chest.

"NO!" he finally turned to the coach, unable to hold back the anger in him. "Are you out of your fucking mind?! He's in pain and a single move can make it worse! He needs a doctor."

Everyone went silent, even the coach looked shocked. Nobody dared to be disrespectful to him, not his players, not another random student.
Even Harry didn't recognize himself, but he couldn't care less about the psychological reasons behind his changed behavior. The last time he lost control over his emotions was three years ago with the same boy, like history was repeating itself.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" The man spoke, the anger slowly increasing inside of him.

The usually fragile and shy curly headed one simply ignored his whole existence and turned back to Zayn.

"C'mon, go!" Harry touched the wounded part again very carefully, then mumbled the words. "I think you dislocated your shoulder by the fall. We'll need ice packs as well."

Suddenly someone grabbed Harry's arm, forcing him to stand up from the ground and the face of the raging coach in front of him wasn't very reassuring.

"I asked you something, kid."

Louis was short of breath, but he knew exactly what kind of person coach Hamilton was, besides how little things could break his boyfriend, and that wasn't a very good combination. Between two terrible waves of pain, he gathered himself enough to speak, but it still came out as a whimper.

"Haz, please go..."

" 'm Harry Styles. Not like 's important right now," he looked in the eyes of the man, pressing his lips together in anger. "He probably dislocated his shoulder and if you don't stop being fucking ignorant and order him to move, he'll might end up at the hospital, waiting for a surgery. You won't just lose your best player, but also your job, since his condition is your responsibility right now, but you let him down."

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now