Chapter 13

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In the next few days, Harry didn't meet Louis... at least not properly. He's got tons of things to do for the lectures and the older boy also tried to score good points considering the team and the teachers. Of course they talked on the phone or texted each other in the evenings, but since having a chat casually during the day wasn't possible, Harry started quite missing the other. Louis got home pretty late almost every night and although he offered him the opportunity to join him and spend the night there, the curly headed one turned him down, so Louis could rest more.

The very end of September didn't treat them well and even if they've seen each other in the hallway, Harry didn't stop, cause it was part of their 'plan'.
Keeping it low. That was what they agreed on.
The problem started only when they actually had to do it.

Harry couldn't attend to any more football practices, after a few times Jackson came back to the team and his presence was too much to handle at once. His broken fingers healed and although he didn't even look at the curly headed one, Harry felt uncomfortable.

By October 3 the situation got almost unbearable. They needed the other one, those stolen kisses in empty class rooms weren't enough.

"So when's he coming to pick you up?" Niall smiled at him as they were walking in the hallway.

"8 pm."

"And what are you gonna wear?"

"Does it matter?" Harry frowned and looked at his watch. He still had more than four hours to get ready and the fact that he's never been that excited in his life, didn't help at all. Time passed as fast as a snail could run.

"Are you kidding me?" the blonde boy stared at him in confusion. "That is the MOST important thing. You have to impress him, this is your first official date."

"We're already together, I don't think he'll care about what kind of clothes 'm wearing."

"Right, more like what's under them." Niall gave him a meaningful look, which made Harry let out a shy laughter.

"Stop...!" he shook his head with a silly smile on his face. "You can help me choose the clothes, just stop."

"You're gonna be a very fashionable young man," Niall exclaimed in pure excitement, but forgot everything when a girl stepped out of a classroom. "Oh god, look at her."

Harry turned in the right direction, but an exhausted sigh left his mouth as soon as he saw the university version of the Ice Queen.
Hailey was wearing a pretty short skirt, with a white crop top, which made her look even more tanned. As she crossed the hallway, boys and girls also turned around just to take one more look at her, but Harry felt like he was the only immune person to her magic. He felt nothing. Obviously, he liked boys so he didn't expect butterflies in his stomach, but usually he could tell if someone was pretty. Like Ellie.

Although the younger boy was sure it can't get any worse than watching his friend falling hard for the wrong girl, the universe proved him wrong again.

"Oh my god Harry, she's coming to us, oh god, my plan worked out and this time she's gonna say yes and-" Niall said quickly, while heavily breathing, but Hailey reached their place and stopped in front of them with crossed arms.

"Harry, hi I haven't seen you in ages" she pulled a fake smile, then took a look at the blonde one. "And Neil, hi."

" 's Niall." Harry sighed and forced himself to smile back at her.

"No, I'm SURE your name is Harry." The girl frowned in pure confusion, but the blonde boy helped her out.

"It is, you were right, you're so smart. MY name is Niall, but anyway you can call me Neil, whatever makes you feel good!" he kept nodding, then stopped for a second. " Wait, you know my roommate?"

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now