Chapter 36

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Louis woke up to the worst thing he could imagine after falling asleep with the love of his life in his arms: the bed was cold and empty next to him.
Well, okay, it was not the worst thing, because waking up to chilling in a bath of melting ice and having only one kidney would of been way worse, but this was a close second.

As he was slowly trying to come back to reality, he sat up to take a good look around the room. Harry's open suitcase took place under the desk, while his clothes from the previous night got folded and put on a chair despite of being worn. He suppressed a tired smile; of course he kept everything organized, like he was a random polite guest. Dummy. He was fully a part of the family now, but he clearly couldn't stop acting like everything had to be perfect in order to win their sympathy.

The young footballer rubbed his face to chase away the last sparkles of sleepiness, then got out of the bed. According to his phone it was 10 AM - basically still dawn for fuck's sake - and that just made the process harder. Not to mention the problem of his shoulder that still hasn't recovered completely from that football accident. It hurt like hell after he chose the wrong position for sleeping and it didn't seem to get better. He stumbled to the bathroom, washed his face and risked a glance at his reflection. The dark circles under his eyes were the obvious signs of concern while his skin wasn't as shiny anymore as it used to be before the weight of the future fell on him.

"Amazing..." he mumbled to himself, then wiped his face with a dark brown towel. The first time he looked like this was before the trip to London, but their little adventure gave him energy to rebirth like a phoenix. That happiness only began to fade away when Harry got hurt and then he got the news about the program.

"C'mon... get your shit together..." he sighed and forced a smile on his lips. He wasn't allowed to think about how much he was going to miss sleeping next to his boy, and definitely couldn't go on and on about how it was going to affect them both as individuals and a couple.

He headed down to the kitchen where all the noises and laughters came from, then stopped at the door frame. The fake smile turned to more genuine; his sisters were having breakfast with Gemma, Lottie was helping Anne to make the eggs and bacons, while his mom was talking to Harry. The joyful sounds of Where I Come From by Passion Pit filled the room, however, the ongoing conversations were louder than the song.

As he appeared, his mom set her eyes on him in a second. "Good morning darling."

" 'morning" he smiled back at her, then stood behind his boyfriend and placed a kiss on his left cheek. "Did you sleep well, sunshine?"

"Yes, thank you" he bit his lower lip and gently stroked the hand on his shoulder with his thumb, before pulling him down a bit more, so Louis had to stoop a bit to hug him properly from behind. "What about you?"

"It was alright," he placed one last kiss on the top of his head, then went to the cabinet for a mug, but as he raised his arm a painful expression flashed through his features. "...fuck."

"Language..." his mom sighed. "What have I done wrong that made you and Lottie such cussers?"

"Nothing, we have just nowhere to go but bars."

"NOT TRUE," Lottie exclaimed right away, shooting a quite spectacular look at her brother. "I only learned from him, I swear."

"And one of them is a liar too, great." the woman spoke which was followed by short laughters everywhere.

"Are you okay?" Harry stood up and took the mug away from him. "I'll make coffee for you."

"I'm fine... just the usual." he snorted while slowly moving his left shoulder in circles. It helped a bit as soon as he used his other hand to squeeze the skin at the right places.

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