Chapter 34

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"Can you give me the acrylic paints?" Harry whispered, however the other answered with a frown.

"The what?"

"Acrylic paints!"

"...the what?!" Niall whisper-shouted again, but this time the groan of Ellie interrupted them.

"The shiny tubes that could be mistaken for lube," she turned around in the bed quite grumpy, pulling the blanket closer on herself. "Gosh, learn to whisper guys."

"Learn to sleep in your own bed, Ells." Niall spoke without missing a beat, then caught the pillow that flew in his direction by his lovely girlfriend.

She slowly sat up and shot a withering look at him while fixing her messy hair. "Alright, I can reassure you this was the last time I came over, enjoy making out with that ugly pillow."

"She didn't mean it, it's okay." The other pouted as he was talking to the pillow, making the girl finally chuckle.

"Do you need a moment alone with her?"

"Or more like do you need a moment alone with Niall...?" Harry scrunched his nose, acting like he was uncomfortable. However, she just grinned and pulled the blonde boy closer as she began talking.

"No Harold, you made us watch the soft porn of you and Louis every time the group was having fun, so now you're gonna deal with us being disgustingly cute."

The younger boy shook his head, giggling about how things changed only in a few days. He made his way to the table to grab the mentioned tubes that his roommate should of handed over, then glanced at the couple on Niall's bed as they were smiling between short kisses. Seeing them finally happy in each other's arms made his heart burst from love and pride.

Not much time had passed since that particular christmas party, yet the couple already lived in such harmony and happiness as if they had been together for months. The examination time was over for all of them, so Zayn, Liam and Blake travelled home to spend the remaining two and a half weeks of december and the beginning of january with their families, but Niall and Ellie on the other hand seemed to postpone the time of actually leaving day after day. They spent the past five days with going on simple dates, watching movies at their rooms, talking about everything and just hanging out in general. Harry gladly let them do a netflix-movie date in their room on the previous night as well, and he suppressed a smile as he saw in the morning that by the end of their cute program, she decided to stay and slept in Niall's bed, snuggling up to him.

Although he really did his best to finish packing his suitcase in silence - since he was supposed to travel home today - the plan clearly failed. The help of Niall while Ellie was asleep was a suicide mission anyway, but fortunately she was too busy placing tiny kisses on the blonde boy's lips to be mad at them for waking her up at 7 am.

Harry put the rest of his painting equipments in the suitcase, then tried to sit on the top of it to make the struggle of zipping easier.

"Don't forget to take a break for breathing!" he advised them in the meantime, getting an eye roll from their friends.

"You should of seen yourself at the beginning of your relationship," Ellie pulled away from her boyfriend to climb out of the bed and help the other packing. "Louis could of started picking his nose and you would of gasped with sparkling eyes and mumbled how perfect he is."

"Hey" he pouted a bit offended. " 's not true."

Niall laughed and joined the conversation to tease him. "It is, even when he kept cursing for a minute after he spilled something on his shirt at the halloween party, you looked like you were about to compliment him for not repeating the same swear word twice."

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now