Chapter 57

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"Are we expecting someone?" Zayn's voice brought him back to reality, slightly startling the older boy.

Louis blinked a few times, before finding his voice and forcing himself to look away from the door. "More like hoping a certain someone won't show up. I'm not sure I could stop myself from rearranging his face."

"Ah," he nodded as soon as he processed what the other's implied. "So Harry told you?"

Louis got lost in his head for a few seconds; he relived that conversation in his head all over again and couldn't forget how much his boy was shaking while telling the truth behind his broken leg. After the first wave of sadness and blame got sweeped under the rug, his anger issues took the control over his mind, making it pretty hard to calm down and enjoy the celebrating party of the game. Their friends and those acquaintances from uni who had no problem with them even after coming out were dancing and drinking in the house, but when a few of their pretty normal team mates have also showed up, an evil thought settled in the back of Louis' mind. He forgot about the whole parade in the house along with drinking, and he couldn't stop himself from glancing at the door in every two minutes. What if the news of the sudden party reached Jackson and he decides to come uninvited?
He should know he's not a very welcomed guest.
However, on the other hand, the number of his brain cells would of been minus if he lost one, so they couldn't really count on his logical thinking.

"I didn't thank you yet. Don't know what would of happened if you... you..." Louis took a sip of the beer which he's been holding for more than thirty minutes now, because he couldn't bring himself to finish the thought. "...So yeah, thanks man. I owe you one."

"Nah," Zayn shrugged, patting his back a bit. "Enough of a thanks would be if you stopped this lonely warrior act and enjoyed the party. He won't show up, trust me."

"Why are you so damn sure?" he frowned, getting a pretty smug look from his best friend.

"I had a talk with Jackson a couple of days later. I convinced him to stay away from Harry by bringing up a lot of intellectually impressive and logical arguments that made sense even to him."

"...did those arguments leave bruises on him?"

"That prick had more colors on his face than the palette of Harry."

"Good," Louis nodded a bit more relieved, knowing he didn't completely got away with attacking the fragile boy. "Maybe it's better like that. I don't know if I could of stopped after a few punch."

"Yeah Hulk, go to therapy."

"How come you didn't get in trouble? Miss Peterson doesn't tolerate any violence." he referred to the new head of the university.

"Simple," Zayn shrugged again, drinking the last drops of his beer before answering. "I told him to feel free going to her, but then I'll make sure she knows about my reasons too. And I'll have Morales and Harry to confirm my story, so if you do the math, the worst thing that could happen to me is getting suspended for a few weeks, while he'd end up at court."

Louis pulled an impressed face and suddenly understood why most of the people were intimidated by his best friend. He didn't just look like trouble from a certain distance - no, the most dangerous thing about him was the way he manipulated and played out anyone he wanted. Louis seemed slightly intimidating, because everyone knew about his anger issues and physical strength, but Zayn... Zayn trapped them. He found their weakness, turned it against them, then used the advantage to easily whistle the rhythm for his victim's dance of losing.

"I'm starting to think the apocalypse hasn't happened yet, cause you're on the good side," Louis suppressed his smile in the end. "You could be the greatest villain of the world if you wanted to be."

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now