Chapter 12

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"Okay Harold, serious question," Niall put down his cup of coffee and threw a few notebooks in his bag. "Can you tell me how did that lad end up in your bed? In like... 30 seconds? Or do I have to be late for class?"

Harry leaned against the door with a lovely, foolish smile on his face and ran his fingers through his curls. "You should go to class, Niall."

"Yeah you should have too, instead of cuddling a boy, but here we go." The other replied immediately. He started searching for a few pens, but his desk was so messy, there could of been a dead body on it and they wouldn't notice.

Harry shook his head and that smile didn't seem to leave his face. It felt like a perfect dream and nothing could make those bubbly, new feelings go. He pulled out a pen from his bag and handed it over to his roommate.

"You can have mine."

"Uh so this is how it feels like to be Louis." Niall grinned, cause he already loved to tease him about what he just observed.

Harry was blushing a bit and tried to act like it was actually nothing but a meaningless favour, so he only mumbled the words.

"C'mon, I just gave him a hoodie."

"Nothing more," his friend nodded, then shrugged. "...Just a hoodie, a t-shirt, sweatpants, a towel, your bed and your mouth. Let's say, if he needed a Shetland pony, you would be on your way to a farm now."

"Why would he ask for that?"

"Don't know. They are so tiny, he could feel like a giant next to them."

Harry laughed and it felt so nice to be happy again. The new circumstances made him very anxious and considering all the drama with Louis and Jackson, it didn't get better. Obviously he had great moments with Liam, Ellie and Niall, but only the events of the previous night could make him that happy again.

"Go to class, Niall. I promise 'm gonna tell you everything later." He smiled at him, like a shy high schooler who's about to admit they got a crush on someone.

The blonde boy was staring at him for a few seconds, before letting out a dramatic sigh.

"...Okay. But I want details and not just a... you know... 'He kissed me. 'm feeling great. We're boyfriends now.' " He imitated Harry's deep voice, then grabbed his backpack and on his way out threw the paper bag of pastries to the other boy. "And eat the breakfast I bought for you. This is the most important meal of the day and you also need energy, fangirling over Louis all the time will be exhausting."

"Thanks mom." The curly headed one rolled his eyes as he smiled wildly.

As soon as Niall stepped out of the room and Harry was left alone, he slowly processed what kind of morning he had. The fresh memories made him completely dizzy and he could barely breathe. The events took a full 180-degree turn, and Harry felt like everything was too good to be true. He slowly started to eat the pastry he had received, but after a while he was unable to stay in one place. He managed to stay calm and distract himself for almost 40 minutes. That should of been considered as an absolute win.

He wanted a lot of things at once ... to tell his best friend about what had happened, to meet Ellie, and of course to find out what had happened between Louis and coach Hamilton in the morning.
That reminded him of something important.

Just unblock me, babe.

Harry bit his lower lip and tapped on the button, while trying to ignore the painful messages above. He was thinking about what he should start the conversation with for an awkwardly long time, then started typing.

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now