Chapter 50

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The band on the stage - whoever they were - knew what they were doing for sure. Everyone enjoyed the melodies and the passion in the leading singer's angelic voice; when she announced that they were about to set the mood a bit slower, a good amount of people stood up to dance.
The soft, bittersweet melody embraced the bar like two comforting arms and the extremely talented singer started singing something about how she remembered it all too well.

Liam walked to the counter to bring another round of drinks, while Niall turned to his girlfriend and gently intertwined their fingers.

"Can I have this dance?"

Ellie smiled up at him, not sure what she's done to deserve this perfect man right in front of her. Although the new band on the stage has been singing for awhile now, she was still under the spell of that one song that was written only for her. She could of fixed her makeup or used tons of tissues, but deep down she knew she was going to never get over what happened tonight.

"I feel like Gabriella Montez on the roof." she blurted it out after all, standing up to accompany him on the parquet.

"I got my girlfriend back and got called Troy Bolton on the same night..." Niall grinned at her happily. "I'm not saying this is the best day I've ever had, cause I'm pretty sure once I saw Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys at a fast food restaurant, but this is a close second."

They started to slow dance together, looking like a picture perfect couple that most likely everybody was jealous of. Harry didn't waste time on that; seeing them like that again was more than enough for his hopeless romantic heart. He glanced at the older boy who seemed a bit off and whisper-shouted the words to him with a dreamy smile on his lips.

"I remember the first time we danced together," he rested his elbows on the table as he leaned forward to glance at his friends like he was Rapunzel gazing at the lanterns. "Almost two months ago... the night before you left. It was special."

Louis nodded; how could anyone forget that moment? It was one of the most horrible evenings he's ever had, because they were both a crying mess, wishing for a better future in silence.
He didn't want to think about that first slow dance, he couldn't stand that he remembered so clearly how it felt to hold his sobbing lover while trying to swallow his own tears as well.

"What a beautiful memory," he mumbled, having a hard time to pronounce the words properly. "Now let's talk about how whales are slowly going extinct, just to fully settle an amazing mood."

Harry finally brought himself to turning away from the couple, and frowned. "Excuse me?"

"Don't romanticize our lowest points."

The younger boy's astonished face spoke for itself; he couldn't imagine what got into his head, making him say such harsh words out of nowhere. The searching green eyes didn't give up that easily and soon Louis couldn't bear with them anymore. He took one last look at the dancing couple, then mumbled something about that he needed air and walked out of the club with the rest of his beer in his hands.

Harry was obviously quick to follow.

He stopped next to him, pulled his coat together to stop himself from shaking in the late night frosty winter weather and raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"Don't know much about manners and etiquette, but I think leaving clearly means I wanna be alone."

"Alright," the younger one blinked, trying not to get too offended, cause Louis was clearly too drunk to filter his mouth. "I don't know much about relationships either, but I think couples that are about to move in together are clearly talking about what's bothering them. Otherwise they wouldn't plan things like that."

Remind Me To Forget (L.S.) ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat