The Report

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Hi everyone,

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The visit to the king had been lengthy. Aba was beyond exhausted. He and His had told the king and the elders how the extraction went, how they encountered Carrie and brought her back home with them. Aba told the king about his suspicion. The Topians are planning something and they need to be prepared. The king and the elders wanted to know what it is the Topians are planning, but Aba had no idea. He was only able to piece this much by using magic. For further clarifications or information, an infiltration group has to go on a new mission.

Aba would have done the needful at that time, but that may jeopardize thief mission and as the captain, that mission was priority. King Diam has gone mad, imprisoning friends and does alike all because he wants to further his world domination campaign. However, Sopians do not leave their people behind.

Carrie was also a little help, she was able to give some information about the Topians and their strategy. However, it is not lost on Aba that those strategies and formations may have changed once Wand realized carried was not coming back. He would realise they have been jeaopardized. Aba knows well enough not to use those informations, they are deadly traps now.  Useless information but information nonetheless.

Aba, Jia and Carrie volunteered to go back to Topia on the infiltration mission, but the king refused to allow Carrie. He insisted that she take a rest and refamiliarize herself with Sopia again before going on missions. Sides we just got her back. Carrie only reluctantly agreed, so Tani replaced her. If it was Myself or Jia that told her she couldn't go, Carrie would have made a fuse and all.

The king instructed us to rest for a couple of days before setting off. Myself, Jia and Tani are used to there little missions already and we have a routine. We are confident in our success. The king was especially happy because we made it back in time for the Corale festival. He dismissed us and we all went back to our homes.

The families of those we went to rescue were happy and their jubilation got infectious. Before long, the whole clan got together to discuss the party they are throwing us. We Sopians are a happy, lively bunch. We need just a little incentive to start a party and a successful mission is just one of those incentives.

I needed some moments of respite before tonight's festivity. Corale is in two days and everyone would be wasted from alcohol and exhaustion by tomorrow. I need to be sharp and alert. Someone also has to keep my men on their toes, they are known to get rowdy after a bout of drink at a party.

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