Is The Beast Dead

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Hi everyone,

It seems my chapters are getting shorter and shorter even though I need more words to reach the Open Novella Contest 2021's word limit.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, hoping to bring more of Takuma's adventure your way.

You'll be seeing new characters along the line, let me know how you like them. Have a good read.


Takuma felt her body hit the wall. It was like being trampled upon by a train. She must have broken all her ribs and some more bones. Takuma groaned as she slid off the wall. She felt herself being yanked and flunged again. This time, she felt her head bursting open. Oh crap. If you can get me out of this, I'll be more obedient. She felt a sting and a scratch, but she was losing consciousness to care. Suddenly, she felt something heating up the center of her chest. The pain was unbearable compared to the pain from being flung around, but as the seconds tickled by, it became warm and comforting. The pains in her body subsided and energy tricked into her system. Soon she didn't feel so bad anymore. She wriggled her fingers and her ankles. She lifted her head up and then her body. She was off the ground, standing upright, energized and rejuvenated. Even though Takuma did not understand what was happening, she knew the beast needed some trashing. The beast inched back from Takuma as she took steps towards it.

"What sorcery", he shouted. Obviously not expecting the girl he was so soundly thrashing to come back up to face him. "How?" Takuma shrugged.

"It is not something I can explain". She said, taunting him even though it is true. Takuma has no understanding of what is going on. She only knows what she feels and her instinct is telling her to fight the beast without second guessing herself. She felt powerful.

"You should be dead..." A arrow lodged itself in his hideous neck, but did no damaged other than to infuriate him. I looked at the direction the arrow came from. The warriors from our village had broken down the fallen roof and now they all crammed into the first room. Some pointed at me. I wanted to wave at them, but I thought better of it.

The beast dislodged the arrow, roared at the warriors but never made a move to go to them. They didn't take the hint though. They fired more arrows at him, I was pleased, but he sure wasn't. This time, he lunged for one of the warriors that has brazenly moved closer. I ran and blocked his path, pushing the warrior back to the others while slashing at the beast with my bare hands, trouble was, I had no weapon whatsoever and I don't even know how to use one. I am a knit and sew kind of girl.

The beast roared in pain and the warriors cheered. I slashed again and again. I saw a glimpse of his life, past and present woven together. The villages he has attacked, the people he has killed and all the blood he has shed. I was blinded by furry and pain for the lifes this beast has ended, the families he has displaced. I just wanted to end his reign of terror. The warriors gained more confidence, they slashed and pierced with me. The beast roared and swing at us, I evaded most of his blows, but some were not so lucky.

The beast fell and the warriors jubilated that we have killed him, but I knew better. He was not dead. I walked up to the fallen beast. There was queit and all eyes were fixated on me. I knelt beside it and stroked its head and closed my eyes. 
If his father had not killed it's mother and made him watch, it could have turned out well. Takuma said. Takuma plunged her hands into it's chest and came out with it's heart. Now its dead and won't be able to harm anyone ever again.
Together, we defeated the beast.

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