Blue Fire

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The cargo bursted open and the poisoned water flowed out in great waves. It was then the purpose of the low invisible fences dawned on me. They are meant to keep us trapped and weak. Drat!
"Aba, stay away from the invincible fences", I spoke into her mind directly. They wouldn't see it except Wand wants them to. Drat! Drat!! Drat!!!
"Can't see shit" she replied.
"Use your inner eyes, stay out of the water too, it's poisoned".
With the advent of the water came the Topian and Xana armies. All the teams reported this at the same time. An outside force initiated communication and I accept, who else could it be?

"Nice to meet you again, Jia. I hope you'll have fun"

"Why don't you come down here, you bastard. Let me show you how much fun I can have with you. Jia replied calmly.

"Oh, why would I get my hands dirty when I could play dirty?" Wand gave an unhealthy vallian laugh.

"Bastard". I evaded a sword swiftly and dealt a blow of my own. I disconnected from wand and faced the battle at hand. I want to get out of this with all my body parts, thank you. I dodged and weaved, dealt blows and evaded some. Within minutes, my arms became a quivering mess. I looked around and it was same with my team. Some were even worse than the others. I saw more than two people having a seizure and some were already in the pool of the poisonous leed water. the other's arms are shaking so badly I doubt if they could parry without too much effort or them toppling down.

I tapped my left wrist once and spoke to all my comrades. Use magic if you have to, stay alive people, Godspeed. I tapped once to end communication. As a general rule, we Sopians do not use our magic unless we have to. You would think that is reason enough to use magic, right? Well, the other clans have forgotten how to use their magic and we Sopians know how powerful magic is. We do not intend to be careless or merciless about it, knowing it would be unfair to the none magicals in our favour. Left with no other option, now is the right time to use it, else, we would all be dead before it even began. 

With the use of magic, the tide shifted a little to our side. Our people are still poisoned, but with magic to boost themselves, they are able to at least defend themselves. I got swamped and soon lost sight of the others, I have my own monsters to deal with.

I heard the sound before It came into view.  Everyone must have heard it, but the topians did not flinch. I quickly dispersed the Topians that sorrounds me and the ones in my vicinity. I tapped my wrist once,

"Be wary, that sounds like a dragon. Take cover". I tapped out and made a beeline for the trees. Not the best place to hide, you say? It's the best place to observe, better than being in the open where one could be fried alive.

Just as my hands touched the tree, a large dragon swooped down, burning anything and everything in its path. The unfortunate Topians that didn't make it to a safe place in time got burnt too.

The dragon has to go down. If allowed to roam free, we would all burn down. I did the only thing I could. I let my body relax, scrounged every thought, every fear out of my mind. When I was light headed, I made the summon.

"Oh great one, oh great ancestor, I call on you. In dire need of your help, I beseech thee, please. Our land is ravaged by a beastly dragon, defend us and avenge our men.

A loud rumble went through the land. I had no doubt the great dinosaur will heed my call. It is a beast in my lineage, trained to heed our call in times of need, though not a beast to trifle with.

the dinosaur's roar caught the dragon's attention.
"The dinosaur is an ally.  Get out of the water as soon as you can". I communicated to the team. Aba, Tani, and Ani all communicated that the gates are secure. Carrie and the volunteers are guarding the bunkers from within. I hope they are all safe. Aba, Tani, Ani and their teams soon joined Jia at the fore front. They must not have heard his warning to stay out of the water. They all wade through the water to join them. Jia wanted to be angry, but it was too late. They are in the water already. The dinosaur's steps shook the ground and everyone on it. The dragon must have detected it wasn't an ally, because it roared and spit balls of fire at it. The dinosaur dodged the dragon's balls of fire and to my utmost surprise, picked up speed. For a beast as huge as  that, I was not expecting much speed from it. The two beast rumbled and tumbled for what seems to be an eternity. Fire, flames, water, dirt and some of the cooking wares and chairs, planks and other items washed away by the poisonous flood blurred our view of the great battle. The noise abruptly receded and the dust and dirt and flames all died down.

The dinosaur had the dragon by the neck. It pressed down with his gigantic teeth's and the dragon groaned in pain. It wagged it's long thorny tail, lashing at whatever was behind it. The world globe burst into mesmerizing blue flames with a tiny of silver here bad there. However the shape could still be made out in the blue and silver fire shimmering around it like a snake dancer, licking at anything it comes in contact with. The fire was breathtakingly beautiful.

The globe jumped with the dinosaur and dragon into yet another fire. It was another blue fire with more tints of silver this time, even more beautiful than the previous fire.

We all stood around, not knowing what to do, however, our muscles are tense and we are ready to jump into action at any sudden move from the dragon.

The low invincible fence and it's strange wordings flickered on and off. I could tell it's hold is wanning. A little more time and the worst would be over.

I accept the outside tingle. "Do you really think you dinosaur could defeat my dragon?" Wand said, with much confidence.

"Oh, I think it just did". I said, equally confident.

"Even if your dinosaur does defeat my dragon, you are all still poisoned by the leed water. It's a win win for me". He said.

"Wouldn't your people die too?" I inquired. I need to keep him busy till I can pinpoint where he is.

"They are vaccinated and even if they die. It's a necessary evil. Casualties of war".

"You are a monster".

"I never said otherwise". Gotcha. He's on the bridge, I told aba. I will go after him, take charge here.

Suddenly, a white blinding light bursts from nowhere and everywhere all at once. Something flurry and white emerged first, the light disappeared as suddenly as it emerged. Standing in its place was a snow white unicorn, the size of a baby horse. It looks magestic and it is as pretty as they come.

Recognition dawned on me. This is the same unicorn, the one I saved couple of moons ago. Why is it here, though? Various thought raced through my mind. Is it a friend or a foe? If it is a foe, could I bring myself to harm it? After all, I grew fond of it and dreamt of it at least once in a while. Could I bring myself to hurt it if it is a foe?

"First, I am not a 'it', I'm a 'she', silly". she said. Is that a chuckle I hear? Her voice sounded to calm, so silky.

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed.

"What is it, Jia?" Aba asked In concern.

"It is a unicorn and she just spoke into my mind". I replied without opening my mouth or taking my eyes off the unicorn.  I heard Aba gasp.

"Only I could do that" she said.

"My point exactly".

"Oh, you kids". The unicorn said with a sigh. "Jia, thank you for saving my life the other day. I binded myself to you since then, that's why you can hear me".

"How?" I had even more questions. How are you here? Why? If she could free herself then, if she had the power to manifest whenever she wanted to, why didn't she?
"I was injured then. Let's chat later, looks like you need my help now". I couldn't argue with that. The dinosaur seems to be handling the dragon well, but then we still have Wand and Barny to take care of off. Last time I scanned for them, they had fled towards the bridge. I need to stop them, but I feel so weak from the leed poison in the water.

The unicorn bowed her head and a blinding white light shoot from her horn. It attached itself to all of us as if we were tied together by a string, then ran all through our body at once as a light current it felt as if one  was being tased. The effect was instaneous. We felt anew and refreshed. the dragon just rid our body of toxins and poison, the fatigue of battle gone with it.  The jubilation didn't last long, we still have some Topians to defeat. The poison did not seem to affect them at all.

"Thank you". I said, hoping the unicorn could hear me. Since she was the one that initiated communication earlier. I do not know if I could communicate with her just because.

"No need to thank me, young one. come, The topian and Xana Lord's at still on the bridge, let's go end this".

I nodded, looked back at the dinosaur and the dragon still in a hold of some sort. the Topians are beating a hasty retreat and some Sopians are in hot pursuit. Somehow, I had faith in our current position even though the main monsters are still out there

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