One Good Turn

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The unicorn and I broke into a run. The strand of light she beamed at us did not only remove the toxins from our body, it gave me an energy boost. I did not feel tired or out of breath. I pushed myself some more.

"The fight on the bridge is all on you". The unicorn said.

My step faltered. "I thought we were going to fight them together". Not that I do not believe in my strength or ability to defeat Wand, but a little power boost from the unicorn while facing that maniac, Wand and his friend Barny would be well appreciated.

"Don't despair, Jia. I will be with you all the way". The unicorn said. "I am Nora by the way".

"Nice to meet you, Nora". She gave a small chuckle.

"Use all your might, Jia. Wand is not to be trifled with".

"I know". I know Wand is a maniac that's need to be put in his place. The fight has gone far too long.

"Call on me, when you need me. I am with you, always". And puff, she vanished into thing air. If I am going to face wane all by myself, I need a solid plan. An idea took root in my mind and I set the plans in motion immediately.

"Glad you could join us, Jia. What took you so long?" Wand stood in the middle of the bridge, his minions all stood behind him, maintaining a ready to pounce stance. I know for certain he would have set traps for me and I have to find them before they could be activated. I need to keep him distracted while I search the area.

I picked up foreign auras in the trees and in the water.

"Oh, nothing much, just how to kill you". I said with a shrug. Wand being here before me is to his advantage.

"How cheeky. You must be so confident in your abilities to think you you of all people can defeat me"

"We'll see about that. Where  is the maniac you teamed up with, huh. Is he as crazy as you?" It shakes me to say, we know next to nothing about Barny, other than the fact that he is the clan leader of Xana, the crazy tech clan. We always thought we were on good grounds we them, but this war changed everything. Xana hardly takes side with clans in times of dispute. Times have changed, it seems.

"Oh, you bet"

"Yeah, right. It takes two crazies to tango".

"You bet".

"Since you're both not right in the head, it shouldn't be hard to beat you up".

"I wonder how you plan to do that though. What with the toxins in your blood stream. Let's see, how long before you drop dead?" It hit me then that he doesn't know about Nora. That is great, at least, I can use that information to my advantage if he thinks me weak and ready to drop dead.

I did not let my guard down. I was aware of those creeping up on me from behind, but I did not get distracted. I had eye only for Wand. That was my mistake. A gust of wind nearly blew me off the bridge.

"Got distracted, did you?" Wand's singsong voice grated on my nerves.
I scanned the area quickly. The attack had come from my right, from a cloaked figure, had to be Barny. He had successfully masked his aura only to let it drop once he made his attack. Drat!  I was too focused on the auras I could see. I should have tried to unravel... No point beating myself over spilled milked. Now that my attacker has revealed himself. I did a quick intense  scan of the perimeter. Any cloaked figure or object will be revealed. I didn't find anyone or anything lurking in the air.  others have creeped up on me the more. Great! I know just what to do.

While still checking the auras of my attacker, I casted a binding spell on them. I had to be subtle so as to avoid  Waned's detection.

"Well, what could I say when two sneaky bastards decided to do what they do best". I sneaked a knockout attack on Barny. he doubled over and wheezed. Good for you.

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