Corale Festival

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Hi everyone,
Thanks for staying with us. I apologise for the previous short chapter. I hope this chapter will make up for it.

Have a good read. Please don't forget to click the like button and drop a comment too.


It's the Corale festival and the townfolks are sure in a festive mood. This is one of the few times where the townfolks get to take a break from their day to day bustle and hustle. With the recent successful mission of the Legion, the festivity was needed now more than ever. Some kids were playing tag under the oak tree, some were playing the drum by the moonlit veranda. Takuma was with her friend Akiia visiting about some events or the other. They were as excited as every other kids. Takuma was particularly proud of the Legion's success. She is in awe of how they keep every member of their clan safe and protected. She someday wishes to be a proud member of the Legion, but each time she applied, she is always denied the chance to participate in the selection exercise because of her age. There is no age limit to the process, yet Takuma always gets turned back every time she applies. Takuma started applying for the selection since she was 12, now she is 17. I wont apply again until I am 18, that is just 1 more year to go. The gods help whoever tries to stop me. I will unleash the frastraution of five years on his or her head. They just wait and see.

Takuma's friend, Akiia could not understand her friend's obsession with the Legion. Sure, they keep the town and it's people safe and protected, but isn't that like the job they are supposed todo do? Afterall, they are getting paid from the King's coffers which is kept big and fat by the townfolks' taxes. Takes which comes from the hard work of the townsfolk.

"I don't know why you're crazy about the Legion" Akiia said.

"You wouldn't understand. It's a great honour and pride to be in the profession that keeps your town and people safe". Akiia scoffed.

"No one is saying it is t a great honour. All I'm saying is why you? You have an amazing family. A protective father and a pampering mum. A brother who keeps you safe. All you need is a man, get engaged and start your own famil. Not go to war or missions every other time". Takuma wrinkled her nose at all her friend said. Getting engaged right now means getting tied down. Apart from wanting to join the Legion because of their legend and deeds, Takuma has the burning desire to go on adventures and missions. Akiia would not understand so, Takuma did not pursue the topic further.

"You would not understand, Akiia. Anyways, Let's go say hi to Likai, i saw him down the chocolate stand.

"Good idea. I promised Kamii some chocolates". Takuma and Akiia made their way to the chocolate stand where they saw their friend earlier.


"Catch that chocolate thief! And it was shouted at a pumpkin with tiny legs and hands. A chocolate vendor shouted in the general direction of Takuma and Akiia. Akiia and Takuma exchanged a look.
"Awwn, he's so cute", Akiia fawned over the pumpkin who gave her a glare and intentionally stumped on her feet. It's not uncommon to see pumpkins around in this town, infact, they were once revered as magical beings. The more time went by, the more extinct they became. However, some were said to be seen around recently picking food off their owners.

"I am a 'she' and i am not up for the kee" the pumpkin said, obviously irritated.

"How could something so cute be so terrible" Akiia said, amused. The pumpkin did not let down her glare. She is oddly cute.

"Pay me for that chocolate If she's your pet. You should teach your pet some manners while you're at it". The vendor said in annoyance.

"How.much is it?" Takuma asked before the small lady could say anything.


"What, this is just a 2R chocolate. You are a rip off!" The pumpkin shouted. She has a loud voice for such a small body. The vendor gave her a stink her which she returned. I couldn't help but smile at the scene. Akiia is right, she is adorable. I counted 5R and gave it to the vendor. He snatched it out of my hands and went back to his stall. The pumpkin had the decency to look guilty. She lowered her gaze and entwined her hands in shame, i presume.

"Thank you, ma'am". Akiia laughed and the pumpkin went right back to giving her a stink eye.

"What are you called?" Takuma asked.

"Cali". Takuma bent to her level, she was still taller than Cali, but it helped to squat. Alicia did the same.

"Hi Cali, my name is Takuma and this is my friend, Akiia". Takuma said and outstretched her hand for a handshake. Cali placed he tiny hands into Takuma's own, batting her puppy eyes at her. Cali shakes Akiia's hand briefly.

"Thanks again for paying for that, i am not exactly a thief".

"We are on our way to meet out other friend, Likai, do you want to go with us?".

A loud roar erupted just that instant, causing all to cease their insistent chattering. The few seconds silence was broken by the scream of the kids. Soon, pandonium followed.


What do you think is about to happen???


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