I smell a Rat

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I looked around the bush, looking for signs of passage, I found it in no time. The leaves were bent and trampled upon. I followed the ruin. I lost count of time but I wasn't frantic. I knew I would get the man, no matter what. Soon enough, I saw a clearing up ahead. Familiar buildings graced my view.

This is the Xana Clan, known for their high tech weapons and gadgets and their hatred for the xaxa clan. Their enemity and hostility towards each other is so strong, it surprises the other clans. I wonder if my would be prisoner knows that. Does he even know where he is? I walked towards the nearest building. It is sorounded by bushes and happens to be the perfect place for hiding, it is also closer to the military school. Perfect, you got yourself into a very big problem this time, Mr prisoner. I walked briskly towards the building, people milled about so I asked the first person I made contact with. An average looking guy in simple grey cotton overall, he is bulky and we'll built not much older than the kids i just met in the forest. A first glance will tell you he spent much time working in his body.

"Excuse me" i called out. The little guy stopped in his tracks to look at me. I flashed him my winning smile then proceeded to ask him my question.

Did you by any chance see a man dressed in tatters run across here just now or not too long ago?" I asked.

"Yes, he ran towards the military school and since the military would know if he belonged but all was queit there, they probably know him." the sranger replied. I thanked him and thought about what the little guy said. Strange but true. This is one of my craziest ideas.

I barged into the class the boy pointed at. Everything was queit at first, but then I saw someone jump out the window and that had my pulseboiling. Something is not right here. We shall see, though.

"You...you can't be here", the man I assumed to be the class commandant said, while his students all stared wide eyes at me.

"The man who just jumped through that window is the most wanted criminal of our time, so can I have some weapons please". They all stare at each other then at me as if I had grown horns. "Oh, I'm Captain Morgan by the way".

They either recognized me or the name, cos two weapons were handed over to me. Good for them, I was going to take them anyways. I collected the weapons, readjusted their weights and held them properly.

"Now if you would be so kind to point me to the direction he ran to, i would be on my way like i was never here". I said.

Hands shot up to the direction my prisoner went. I jumped down the window and gave chase. Even if I will find out what the hell is going on in this clan, I need to find that prisoner first. I ran to the direction that was pointed out and soon found myself on the edge of another property.

There he is, lurking just behind the mahagony door, partially concealed by the tall bush in front of the house. I took a good aim and nicked my prisoner in the right feet. He wailed and tried to flee, but I quickly gained on him and tied him down like I did his partner.

"I will have you killed. You son of a bitch". He yelled.

"Nice to meet you too", I said.

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