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"tobio, this sucks."

you sat down on the freezing cold floor, your back up against the tiles and your phone merely inches away from your face. it was monday and you were in the girl's bathroom at school, spending your lunch time isolating yourself from everyone.

after the events that had taken place last friday, there was no way ayaka and maki would let you sit next to them during lunch. and of course, they were the only people you ever spoke to.

you had kageyama on a facetime call—as he agreed to give you company for the time being. you prayed that nobody would walk in and see you a complete mess on the floor.

"when do you have to go back to class?" kageyama asked, his voice lagging slightly from the poor service at your school.

"in like ten minutes, i think." you let out a hopeless sigh, staring at kageyama's pale face from your phone. he looked as tired as ever, dark circles underneath his eyes and scruffy hair. he sat outside next to a vending machine, apparently on his lunch break as well. "how about you?"

"oh, i've got twenty." kageyama said, taking a sip from a box he had in his hand.

"what's that?" you asked the boy, your head tilting slightly to the left.

"what's what?"

"the drink you have."

"oh, it's just milk." kageyama aimed his phone down at the small box of milk he held, which had a cute blue packaging that complimented the color of his eyes. you grinned.

"that's cute. i remember you telling me about how much you liked milk." you laughed softly at the ravenette, in which he scrunched his nose.

"it's not like i'm obsessed with it." kageyama pointed the camera back at him. "its full of calcium, which makes your bones stronger. that's all. i get sick if i drink too much."

"of course." you laughed at his reply, expecting nothing less from an athletic boy like him. "i'm sure your bones are already strong enough, tobio."

"i guess." kageyama gave you a nonchalant shrug with his reply.

"hey, tobio?" you changed the subject.


"can we go skating again today, like, after school?"

"i have volleyball practice. it's monday."

"after..?" you said, dragging out the 'r' sound.

"i mean, if you're willing to wait for me." kageyama took another sip of his milk before adding onto his reply. "practice ends at 6, so we can meet up at the skate park at like, 6:30."

you gave him a frantic nod in agreement. "i'll be there." and soon after those words, the bell at your school rung. you looked at the boy one last time.

"i have to go now, sorry. thanks again, for everything."


"ill see you later, milk boy."


you hung up and stood up from the floor. if you didn't hurry now, you knew you'd be late for your next class. you brushed your skirt down before rushing out of the girl's bathroom.


"have fun again, my beautiful sister! tell ayaka and maki-chan that i said hello!" tooru waved happily at you, in which you smiled softly in reply. you didn't tell your brother about what had happened between you and the girls, mainly because they were your go to excuse every time you hung out with kageyama.

things wouldn't add up if you told him, anyways.

you listened to the sound of tooru drive away as you walked into the entrance of the skate park, your eyes immediately scanning the empty area for kageyama. and there he was, in his corner, sitting on the concrete next to his skateboard. you approached him.

"hi, tobio."

"oh- hey."

"what's up?"

"nothing, really." the ravenette looked up, making eye contact with you from the ground. he looked completely exhausted; even more worn out than before.

"hey, are you okay?" you asked him with a concerned tone in your voice.

"yeah. why?" kageyama ran a hand through his dark hair in attempt to fix it up a bit— but it didn't do him much justice. you sat down on the concrete next to him.

"let's take a break for a second. we can skate later." you suggested, in which kageyama furrowed his eyebrows.


"cause' i said, dumbass." you let out a soft sigh with your response. you leaned backwards, laying your back down against the cold concrete that surrounded the two of you. eventually kageyama obliged and followed your movements, lying down in the same exact position. the two of you looked up at the orange sky as the sun began to set.

there was a brief silence between the two of you, and for a couple minutes the only thing you could hear was the sound of the boy's soft breathing; which was oddly comforting. you noticed that every second you had spent with kageyama so far had been so busy and hectic, so having this peaceful moment where the both of you did absolutely nothing felt special.

kageyama squeezed his fist next to you, and your immediate reaction was to place your hand on top of his. you felt him ease under your touch as you grazed the back of his palm with your thumb.

"y/n." kageyama eventually called for your name. you turned your head to look at him.


"er.." kageyama took his hand back, leaving your hand on the ground. "we shouldn't.. get close like that."

you scrunched your eyebrows at his words, placing your hand back on your stomach. "huh?"

"nevermind. sorry." kageyama sat back up, in which you did the same. maybe he wasn't used to physical contact like that. you noted that in your head for future reference.

it was awkward for a second before kageyama finally spoke again.

"i feel better. let's skate now."


𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐒 k. tobio [✓]Where stories live. Discover now