the powerpuff girls

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three weeks later.
shoyo hinata's house.

"y/n, holy shit, stop beating us!"

hinata whined with his high-pitched voice, on the verge of throwing his controller onto the floor.

"shoyo, holy shit, stop being total ass at this game!" you laughed wholeheartedly, clutching the grey controller you held in your hand. next to you sat a defeated kageyama, who had gotten 3rd place every single time on mario kart.

he was great at volleyball, but apparently when it came to video-games, he was horrible. you shined the boy a reassuring smile.

"i'm sorry, tobio. next time, i'll stop throwing bananas at you!"

"that was not funny, you fucking dumbass!" kageyama pouted, which made you laugh even harder. you felt like your stomach was about to burst with the amount of energy you had.

after that day at the skate park, when you had met hinata for the first time, the three of you became as close as could be. hinata wasn't suspicious of you anymore, and the three of you became one big trio.

just recently, hinata had started calling the group, 'the powerpuff girls', which kageyama extremely hated, but had no choice but to suck up and deal with it. the sight of kageyama cringing every time he heard the nickname always made you laugh.

speaking of you and kageyama, after you had learned how to skateboard, the bond between the two of you seemed to have gotten closer. it was an everyday thing now; you would ask tooru to take you over to the skate park in the afternoon and you'd skate with kageyama until sunset.

you couldn't even remember how life was without the ravenette by your side, even though you had just met him recently. it was as if you were destined to be.

all of this was behind your brother's back, though. tooru was still under the impression that you were just hanging out with ayaka and maki. this whole time.

you didn't mean for the lie to get so big, really. you didn't think you'd get so close to kageyama in the first place. but that was no excuse to lie to your brother, was it? overtime, guilt began to overwhelm you.

even though kageyama had reassured you that everything would be okay, that one thought continued to surface your mind.

how would tooru react if he ever found out?

"guys... i'm so.. sleepy. lets go to bed." hinata let out a tired yawn after his words. he used his remote to shut off the TV.

"what? it's only.." kageyama looked at his phone before continuing his sentence. "2am!"

usually, when you'd sleep over at hinata's house with kageyama, the three of you would stay up until sunrise. so when the ball of energy named shoyo hinata claimed he was tired so early, it was a big surprise.

"shut up! i woke up early today." hinata rubbed his tired eyes, making his way to the stairs. you and kageyama stood up and followed him from behind.

as the three of you entered his room, hinata began tossing all of his blankets and pillows onto the floor. you and kageyama worked together to organize a big bed on top of his fuzzy carpet.

after a long five minutes, the floor was completely decorated with blankets and pillows. it might've looked like a complete disaster, but it was definitely comfortable.

you watched hinata lay down on the left side, immediately snuggling up with one of his blankets. "turn off the lights! good night!"

you had never seen that boy so eager to sleep, ever. you walked over to the front of his room to shut out his light.


"tobio. are you awake? tobio.."

you whispered softly as you tapped the sleeping ravenette in front of you. it was the middle of the night and you had no idea what time it was.

it was nearly impossible to sleep with the sound of hinata's obnoxious snoring echoing throughout his room. you felt bad for waking up kageyama, but you knew he wouldn't care much afterwards.

"m-whatdoyouwant?" you heard kageyama speak, the tone of his low and raspy voice making it hard to comprehend any of his words. he shifted onto his other side to face you directly.

"i can't sleep. sorry." you replied sheepishly, realizing how your faces remained merely inches apart. kageyama was probably too tired to even notice.

"it's okay." kageyama mumbled back, reaching up to rub his eyes. "wanna go downstairs? i'm thirsty now."

"yeah." you replied softly, eventually standing up on your feet. kageyama followed your lead, and the two of you quietly made your way down hinata's stairs.

kageyama flicked on the light switch as you swiftly made your way over to the kitchen. the sudden light that filled the room made your sensitive eyes squint.

"shoyo snores like a damn walrus, i swear." you said teasingly as kageyama walked over to grab a water bottle from hinata's fridge. he handed you one as well.

"yeah, that annoying little fuckhead. that's why i always try to fall asleep first." kageyama yawned softly as he cracked open the lid of the bottle. you did the same.

there was a brief silence between the two of you as you sipped your waters. during it, kageyama gazed down at your face, analyzing your features closely.

"what's up?" you asked softly, furrowing your eyebrows down at him in a confused fashion. he took a couple seconds to reply.

"you really don't remember me, y/n, do you?"


authors note;
gn i didn't edit this chapter sorry for any mistakes love ya shawties

btw hinata is blossom kageyama is buttercup ur bubbles

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐒 k. tobio [✓]Where stories live. Discover now