one friend

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thursday, 6:32pm!!
after school.

"wait- you're actually-"

kageyama mixed up his words as he watched you roll on your skateboard with ease. it had been about two weeks since kageyama had started teaching you how to skate, and you definitely showed major improvement.

after being scolded by kageyama numerous times and enduring many hours of practice, you eventually figured out how to keep your balance on the board while pushing off.

you didn't need kageyama's push in order to glide anymore.

"oh my god-" you laughed nervously, a big smile on your face as the wind pushed your hair back. "look! i can do it now!" you exclaimed excitedly.

your form wasn't exactly perfect, but as long as you were moving, it didn't really matter to you.

"yeah! keep going!" kageyama yelled out words of encouragement to you from afar.

"wait.. how do i stop?" your ecstatic face soon faded as you soon came to the realization that you didn't know how to stop the skateboard. you panicked for a second and lost your balance, causing you to fall and land onto your backside. the skateboard continued to roll, drifting far away from you.

you could hear the sound of kageyama's obnoxious laugh echo throughout the whole skate park. "holy shit, are you okay?" he sprinted over to check on you.

as you sat up, you looked up at him from the ground.

"that was so fucking cool."


you sat in your bathtub with your phone in hand, watching as steaming hot water poured down from the metal faucet in front of you. your brother had suggested that you take a bath after you complained about being sore.

that fall was definitely no joke; you could still feel your lower back throb from the pain, and your shoulders were both weak and stiff. it was the worst feeling in the world.

you could finally skate though, and that made everything a hundred percent worth it.

you let out a relaxed sigh as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone. you almost dropped it into the water when a vibration caught you off guard. you tapped on the notification that appeared at the top.

 you tapped on the notification that appeared at the top

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skater boy🛹🏐😏:
hello. good job today.

as you read kageyama's message, a small smile sprung onto your face. you quickly typed him a reply, your wet hands making it slightly difficult to do so.

thanks boy

skater boy🛹🏐😏:
hey ure going skating tomorrow right??

if ure going

skater boy🛹🏐😏:
yeahh ill be there.

skater boy🛹🏐😏:
is it okay if i invite my friend to hangout with us though??

yea. who?

skater boy🛹🏐😏:
his name is hinata, he's on my volleyball team. i dont think u know him.

okay thats fine

skater boy🛹🏐😏:
alright. just texted him.

skater boy🛹🏐😏:
ill see u tomorrow, okay?

see ya

and with that response, you pressed your home button twice and swiped the messages app away. you could tell that tomorrow was going to be pretty eventful to say the least, especially with the new person coming along.

if this hinata guy is friends with the kageyama tobio, he must be really cool then.

you pressed the power off button on the side of your phone, setting it aside to enjoy the rest of your hot bath in peace. because, after a long day of falling onto your ass, you deserved it.


friday, 5:47pm!!
after school.

"i feel like we come here almost everyday, y/n-chan. you must be really close with ayaka and maki then, huh?"

"yeah. i guess you could say that."

you and tooru held a conversation as he drove you to the skate park for what seemed like the hundredth time this week. his gaze focused on the road as you leaned your head on the glass window, staring outside as he drove.

"so, what's up? how've you been lately?" tooru asked, his right hand resting on the gearshift as he spoke to you.

"i've been alright." you let out a soft sigh before you added to your response. "school has been stressful, especially with testing coming up n' stuff. how about you?"

"oh, i'm glad you asked!" tooru smiled as if he had been waiting for that question this whole time. "i've been busy with volleyball, of course. since we beat karasuno, our next match is against shiratorizawa. we've been practicing extra hard for that, iwa-chan and i especially. oh! and..."

one thing you knew about your brother was that he could ramble about volleyball for days on end. he'd always have something new to say, never running out of things to tell you. you always let him babble to you, but you weren't always paying attention. whoops.

eventually, after listening to tooru talk for who knows how long, the two of you finally arrived at the skate park. he opened the trunk so you could grab the skateboard in the back.

"have fun!" tooru said as you exited the car. you grabbed your skateboard, shutting the trunk door closed again. you checked to make sure it locked properly before walking away.

"thanks, tooru." you gave your brother a small wave before you entered the skate park. he drove away as per usual.

you took in a deep breath. in a second you'd be meeting one of kageyama's close friends..

hinata, was it?

you hoped that the two of you would become well acquainted, since well, it would be great to have more than just one friend.


𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐒 k. tobio [✓]Where stories live. Discover now