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Isi was happy that her father returned, but he wasn't staying

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Isi was happy that her father returned, but he wasn't staying. And that hurt her slightly. That after all this time of being away, he didn't want to stay and get to know her. Like he knew all his sons. Once again she was treated differently.

She sat in the large hall with many of their warriors, eating and drinking mead. All of her brothers were with her except from Ivar, who had disappeared throughout the day. No one knew where had he went.

Once again Isi was forced to sit and watch her brothers, harass the slaves. And still that one skinny blonde didn't mind. It seemed to infuriated the young Princess, that the same girl would flirt with all of her brothers.

"Who is that?" She asked, leaning over to her mother so she could hear her better through the loud atmosphere in the room. Alsaug looked from her daughter to the blonde sitting laughing on her eldest sons lap.

"I believe her name of Margrethe" she replied plainly, eyeing up the slave girl. Isi could tell she had the same thoughts as her. She had been sleeping with all of her brothers.

To drown out her discomfort and frustration, Isi drank as much mead as she could. Becoming more and more intoxicated throughout the night.

Finally Ragnar and Ivar entered the room, Ivars crawling catching the attention of his younger sister. The first thing he noticed as he pulled his self to the table, was how Isi was struggling to hold her self upright.

"How have you allowed her to get in such a state" he asked sternly, his eyes darting to each of his brothers. Who were supposed to be looking after her.

Ubbe pulled his attention from the girl in his lap, towards Isi. She struggled to focus on one thing at a time, her head spinning as her eyes lay half shut. She had never been this intoxicated before, and frankly, she wasn't enjoying the feeling.

"She will be fine by morning" Sigurd told him, wrapping an arm around his sister, stopping her from falling. She began laughing at nothing, her eyes showing visions in front of her, that no one else could see.

The night soon came to an end and everyone had left the hall, including Ubbe and Margrethe. Even fully intoxicated, Isi was still angry with the slave. She knew her brothers liked to sleep around, but with the same woman seemed a bit far.

Aslaug and Ragnar had been arguing all night, which Isi couldn't tune out. They seemed to be arguing about his sudden arrival, why he hadn't come back to be part of his daughter's childhood. She was pissed, as every mother would be.

Isi stubbled out of the hall, gripping onto the walls and doors for balance. Her feet turned in with each step, threatening to make her fall.

"Even I can stand up better then that, and I'm a cripple" Ivar scoffed, watching as she attempted to walk. But failed miserably, falling into Hvitserks arms.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea" Sirgurd voice echoed through the girls head as he spoke. Giving her an intense migraine, she flopped her head back onto Hvitserks chest. Her easy closed peacefully.

"Let's get you home" he smiled looking down at her through her dark hair.

The trio brought her into the large cabin she lived in, deep in the woods. She enjoyed the scenery, the sounds of the woods at night helped her sleep. They made it larger in case of nights like these, where one of them would have to stay with her.

Sigurd opened the door slowly, the warmth of the cabin hitting them like fire. She wasn't quite asleep, yet she wasn't quite conscious. As her brother placed her onto the bed, she let out a groan of disapproval.

Attempting to get up, she was immediately stopped by two strong arms, pushing her back down by her shoulders. "No Isi, your going to bed" Hvitserk told her demandingly, throwing the furs over her.

She begged and pleaded to stay up, just like a small child would. But the boys were adamant she was staying in bed.

After each brother had wished his sister a goodnight, Hvitsirk and Sigurd left Ivar on babysitting duty for the night. He wasn't to happy about it, but he didn't put up much of an argument against it.

"Ivar" she spoke softly as she called for her brother, the dragging sound let her know he had heard her.

"What Isi, you should be sleeping" he rolled his eyes and pulled himself onto the end of her bed. His hair was messy and the bags under his eyes told her he was tired. Suppose pulling your self along all day would get tiring.

"Why do you think your alive?" She asked. The sparkle from his eyes suddenly faded at the question.

He thought for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "I like to believe the gods have plans in store for me"
He then sighed again, debating on whether to tell her where he went to earlier. "Isi....I'm leaving for England tomorrow with Ragnar"

Her dark eyes widened, as she sat upright in the bed to get a better look at her brother. His head hung low as he looked at the ground, not daring to look at her.

All her brothers seemed to be leaving her, Bjorn, Hvitsirk and now Ivar. Her family was slowly falling apart, and now she would be left with only two of her brothers.

"If that's your decision Ivar, I'm not going to stop you" she smiled, tears forming in her eyes at the thought of him leaving.

She knew he had always wanted to go on raids, and travel like the rest of their brothers. But that was difficult because of his deformity. And she didn't want to take this opportunity away from him.

The gods would allow them to meet again, that she was certain of. Whether that was in Valhalla, or back in the real world.

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