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The day Isi had trained endlessly for had finally arrived

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The day Isi had trained endlessly for had finally arrived. She would kill King Aelle and avenge Ragnar, despite her brothers pleads not to participate.

They were worried for her life. She would never survive. But they were wrong. Only Ivar had seen her fight, she was very impressive, though their brothers would never believe him.

She went without their permission, they knew they couldn't stop her. They just had to protect her.

Isi stayed upfront with her brothers as they walked over the Horizon. Aelle and his pity army awaiting them down hill. He didn't have much of an army, everyone knew Christians were never good fighters. The war would be won easily.

Isi could see the smirk plastered on Aelle's face as he looked out upon their army. Following Ivars plan, they never had many with them, but all that would soon change.

"You sure your up for this?" Ubbe asked turning his head back towards his younger sister.

Dark paint covered her features, her dark eyes looking even darker as they contrasted with the paint. She looked strange to her brothers, they hadn't seen her look like this. She usually hated war, fighting, yet everything had changed so suddenly.

"Do you believe I will fail brother?" Isi asked, tilting her head down at him.

"I am asking if you are ready is all" he answered turning his attention back to Aelle's army. A smirk still painted on his lips.

His smirk soon drifted as Floki brung his group of warriors into view, followed by Harald and Halfdan. He was out numbered, and he knew it. The terror and fear admitted from his body like a stench.

The rage and anger could be seen on each of the Ragnarsons faces. Growling and snarling, longing for bloodshed. Longing for justice. When the sons of Ragnar wanted something, they would have it. Anyone with a working brain would know.

"You shall see brothers, I am much greater then you believe" was the last sentence Isi spoke before the great heathen army charged forward. Her brothers screams the only sound she could hear.

Relief overcame the raven haired girl as her sword sliced through the flesh of her first victim. His body falling to the dirt as she moved swiftly on to the next. Her axe smashing through his skull, his blood dripping down her face.

Isi could hear the roars of her brothers in the crowd as they ended yet another life. All the siblings enjoyed the feeling, hearing their last breath, knowing they had been defeated by a Viking. It was thrilling.

Blood soaked the small girl, a small fraction of it being her own. As any warrior, you were bound to be wounded in battle. Isi was no different. A slice down her arm was nothing compared to what could have become of her. She could have been a corpse on this very field. Yet the gods seemed to have other things in store for the youngest Lothbrok.

Her shield had been shattered during the battle, leaving Isi defenceless. More likely to perish, but she would not go down easily.

If it happened to be her fate, Isi would not be frightened. The Valkyries would guide her to Valhalla, where her mother and father would welcome her home. And they would feast, watching what would become of her brothers.

Fighting a skilled swordsman, Isi lost her sword. Leaving her weaponless. Her axe remained embedded in the skull of a man, she was defenceless.

"Go on! Kill me!" She screamed at the man, the thrill of the battle removing any of her emotions.

Hearing her sisters screams through the battlefield, Hvitsirk and Ubbe looked towards each other. They had killed soldiers close to one another, their eyes immediately fixing on Isi. Standing weaponless in front of a man.

This terrified the pair. They were not willing to let her leave them so soon. The war wasn't yet over, her corpse would not join any of this battle.

Just as Isi was about to welcome her fate, the man dropped his sword. Followed by his body. Isi looked at his body with confusion painted on her face, an axe coated in blood stuck out from his back. His blood oozing from the large wound.

"You are a fool" Ubbe stated handing her the sword that once belonged to a fallen warrior.

"Might have known it was you two" she chuckled, turning to footsteps behind her. Immediately swinging her sword at the oncoming man, surprisingly removing his head cleanly from his shoulders.

"Fuck, you might be a better fighter then Lagertha" Hvitsirk said in amazement, replaying the events in his head. Isi only laughed at his comment, the trio continuing to fight.

Lagertha was the best shield maiden of all time, Isi was nothing but a beginner. Though she loathed the woman for murdering her mother, she still inspired the young girl. She wished to one day become a greater fighter then her, take her title from her. As she took her happiness from Isi.

The battle was soon over, the Great heathen army Triumphed as expected. Their numbers were much greater then Aelle's, it would have took a miracle to beat them.

Ubbe and Hvitsirk wrapped their sister in a hug, glad she had survived. Isi let out a wince of pain causing them to immediately pull away, taking hold of her arm to examine the damage.

"Hvitsirk I am fine, everyone gets wounded in a battle" she explained her dark wound pouring out more blood. It was a pretty nasty cut, the tissue inside grew a dark shade. Mostly likely to become infected.

However, they had won. And that's all that Isi could have hoped for, even if she had offered her life on a silver platter.

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