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The next battle had begun, it was true the Saxon army hand a good number of warriors

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The next battle had begun, it was true the Saxon army hand a good number of warriors. Though it was hard to see just how many with the fog, it did make the suspension all the more exhilarating.

Isi stood at the front of the army alongside her brothers. Though she knew Bjorn wished to fight the normal way and slaughter them all, she convinced him to do it Ivars way. To save a lot of life's.

On Bjorns command the army split in two, heading for the sides of the woods. Separating the Saxon army, making it more easy to pick them off one my one.

Isi guided the second half of the army behind of the Saxon one, confusing them. This was a different style from what everyone was used to, slaughter and conquer was the usual technique. This was hard to follow.

"Turn around!" Isi shouted, the Saxons charging towards them. Now she could see that there was indeed many more then she had originally seen, it frightened her slightly but with Ivars plan she knew they would triumph.

The commotion from behind made her turn around, as expected her brothers were enacting their part of the plan. Arrowheads disappearing into the bodies of the Saxon soldiers, their corpses falling to the feet of other warriors.

With a smile on her face, Isi continued her journey around the soldiers, back into the woods. Where she would meet up with her brothers back at the boats, to enact the next part of the plan.

Ivar believed that they would come after their boats when they were tired of chasing them. Which to his luck, they did. But unluckily for them, they were met with more of the heathen army, who had been waiting for them.

Standing at the top of the hill, Isi released the first arrow, the body of a man falling to the floor, blood pouring from his wound. More arrows flying through the air, killing and harming more of their soldiers.

The adrenaline rushed through the raven haired girl, the screams her brothers entering the battle gave her the thrill she was looking for. The next arrow she released landed right in the head of one of the horses. She laughed as the stead fell, the man along with it, shooting the next arrow she managed to kill the man. Adding another body to the battlefield.

Her brothers never allowed her to walk into one on one combat, the next best thing was be an archer. She was rather good at it, back home she would beat Ubbe occasionally. Earning a week free of his complaints, how times had changed.

The screams and roars of her brothers could be easily heard through the commotion. She had grown to notice them easily. Though the sons of Ragnar were capable of protecting themselves, Isi made it her duty to aim for the oncoming soldiers around them.

That's if her eyes weren't hunting for the Prince, King Ecberts son. He was somewhere amongst the chaos, she just had to find him. Killing him would give her great pleasure, and she knew her brothers would be proud if she did.

Sadly she was never given the chance, he had retreated, him along with what was left of his army, ran through the blood and dirt. Like the cowards they were. Giving her a clear pass to join her brothers once more.

"Surely this isn't the end" she said as she approached Ivars chariot, her brothers standing beside it. Blood covered their bodies from head to toe, she could tell they had added a great number of bodies to their count.

"On the contrary dear sister, it is just begun" Ivar smirked, his signature evil smirk.

"Well this time I wouldn't like to be sitting on my ass doing nothing" she complained, though ended up letting out a laugh, which her brothers soon joined in with.

"You did well little sister" Sigurd told her while they ran towards Wessex. Sigurd was one of the nicer brothers when he wasn't trying to rip out Ivars throat, or Vice versa.

It took a great lot of strength and several minutes, but they had finally arrived at the gates of Wessex. Awaiting her brothers command, Isi let her eyes wonder. It looked rather quiet, deserted even. There was no sign of protection, nor even life from the inside.

Her gut told her they had left, ran like cowards. But she believed they were also smart enough to set a trap, Christians believed their savour rose from the dead. Personally Isi thought it was a load of shit, but if they could believe that, then they were foolish enough to think they could win.

The army stormed the gates, expecting to find an army waiting for them on the other side. But they were far wrong, they were met with a ghost town. Not one person, not one animal, nothing. They had ran.

"Careful it could be a trap" Bjorn warned, grabbing Isi's shoulder to stop her from walking any further. She was grateful for his protection, but their was no one here, she could sense it.

Instead they sent in Harald and Halfdan, along with a few men. Rather risk their life then the life of Ragnars only daughter. But as Isi expected, the confirmed a few minutes later that it was in fact empty. They had fled.

A riot broke out after that, the army practically destroyed the city. Burning everything in sight, loading chests of gold and silver into wagons. However two people never joined in the fun, no matter how hard their brothers encouraged them to.

"I won't stop until Ecbert is dead" Bjorn spoke up, finally speaking after minutes of silence.

"I don't expect you to Bjorn" Isi replied, looking at the disappointed face of her brother. "I never knew Ragnar, not like you all did." Bjorn turned to look at her, her eyes glistening with tears. "But I will help you find Ecbert, even if our brothers will not"

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