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4 horses made their way through the depths of the woods to begin their hours long journey to Kattegat

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4 horses made their way through the depths of the woods to begin their hours long journey to Kattegat. Ubbe leading the way, followed by both Isi and Eric each on their own horse with one of their sons held tightly in front of them, Alec on a separate horse beside them.

Isi was nervous, after being visited by her fallen loved ones only a few hours before she felt as if they had came to her for a reason. A warning perhaps? She wasn't sure, however her gut feeling wasn't one of butterflies, more fear.

As a mother she could tell her two youngest children were confused by the sudden leave. Alec was old enough to understand the effects of war and how dangerous it could be for them if the enemy did take over, Bersi and Nikolas were yet to learn of their mother's past. Though she didn't want to keep her past hidden from her children, she didn't want them to only know battle and death. She built a happy life for herself and that's all she ever wished for her children.

A few hours into the silent woods, Bersi had fallen asleep leaning against his father. It did make Isi smile, she leaned over the gap between them and brushed his lose hair from his face.

Taking a glance back at them Ubbe couldn't help but smile, from a girl that came from a family that barely showed any love towards each other, she seemed to have such a connection with her family that it would put her own to shame. Ubbe was happy for his sister, though he would happily blood-eagle her husband if he were to hurt her.

"Mother? Where are we going?" Nikolas asked, his deep blue eyes staring up that her.

Isi took a deep breath, she was dreading this question. "We are going back to my village my dear, I have another brother I think it's about time you met."

Nikolas nodded in return, his eyes glancing over at his older brother. Knowing exactly why they were leaving, Alec nodded to let the young boy know that what his mother was saying was true. Though technically it was, she had left a few minor details out.

The rest of the way was silent, the only sounds to be heard was the horses hooves against the dirt, followed by the faint sounds of birds flying above. It was peaceful, and it allowed Isi to relax.

It must have been a few more hours until they had finally reached the edge of the village. The dark eyes of Isi scanned over the large walls that blocked out the outside world, the large towers filled with warriors. This place had changed a lot throughout the years, it was supposed to be a trading centre...this place looked like a prison of some sort.

Letting her eyes glance around the busy village, she could easily recognise the many different coloured sheilds that were held in the citizens hands. Many being Bjorn's signature deep red colours, the different Earls of Norway's bright colours scattered amongst them. But there was one colour that she couldn't see...and that was Lagertha's turquoise.

Isi received a lot of strange looks as they rode through the busy streets. This reaction she had expected due to her supposedly being dead for many years, everyone was led to believe that, no one knew she was alive but Ubbe. Most people stared at her with shock, others with confusion.

Ubbe was the first to dismount from his horse when they arrived at the large building that Isi recognised to be the great hall. It seemed to be the only thing that hadn't changed. By this time Bersi was now wide awake and slightly anxious to enter the strange place, though with his parents by his side he believed he would be safe.

Walking behind Ubbe hand in hand, all eyes turned to the family. Many of these people Isi didn't recognise, possibly because they weren't from Kattegat originally and only came her for the war. Though Ubbe knew there would be one person in the crowd who wouldn't be pleased of his sisters return, not after her murdering his father long ago.

"It is true, you are not dead?" Beamed the voice of Bjorn as the crowd parted allowing him to see his guests. His face had an expression that Isi couldn't quite read, something from sadness, to betrayal, to surprise.

"I am, and you are King of all Norway, the title looks good on you brother" she replied while Ubbe made his way to stand beside Bjorn.

"And who are you?" Bjorn asked turning to the man that held onto Nikolas's hand.

"This is my husband, he was a warrior who fought with us during the raid on York. And these are my sons, Alec, Bersi and Nikolas" Isi explained.

Bjorn looked over to Ubbe, who gave him a nod of reassurance.

"I see you have made quite a life for yourself after you ran" he looked her up and down with judgemental eyes.

"I could say the same about you brother."

From Ubbe's explanation he made it sound as if Bjorn wanted her to come home and fight with them. Though being in his presence now made Isi think that was all a lie to get her to return.

"I'm sure your mother is proud of you. Speaking of where is Lagertha? I'm sure me and her have some catching up to do" Isi said as her dark eyes scanned the room.

She didn't miss the way Bjorn shifted in his throne, Isi had seen the look on his face before many years ago. There was something that she didn't know and it had now triggered some sort of emotion that he had buried.

"I suppose we better have a talk then....sister."

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