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Isi had now excepted the fact that her brothers had left, that they would meet again some day

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Isi had now excepted the fact that her brothers had left, that they would meet again some day. And she would greet them with open arms, whether it was in Valhalla, or in the warmth of their home.

Ubbe and Sigurd knew she wouldn't deal with the separation well. She was never good at coping without Hvitsirk, out of all their brothers, he seemed to be the only one able to calm her. The brothers stayed with her that night, ready to comfort her if needed.

It had been a few days now since they left, and Isi had been coping surprisingly well. Joining her brothers on hunting trips, talking with her mother, or even sitting alone by the water.

She was on her way to visit the carpenter, on Ubbe's behalf. He was to 'busy' with the slave girl Margrethe, to go himself, instructing his sister to go instead.

However she didn't mind, she had been needing to pay a visit to the carpenter for many days now. She had a request for him, if he could make her a sword. One just like her brothers.

They had never wanted her to wield a weapon, nor go into any battle. Because of their fear of losing her, their only sister. So they had kept war and tragedy hidden from her as best they could.

Once again, she got many glares from the older men on the streets. All with eyes filled of lust, lust for the young girl. She clutched her cloak tightly around her body, attempting to shield it from their eyes.

She turned down a small alley, only meters away from the carpenters home. A sudden dirty hand gripped tightly around her mouth, silencing her screams. She couldn't see who had a hold of her, nor did she recognise their posture.

She forced the Princess into a small room in between the houses. The room was dark and smelt of sea water, telling Isi she was mostly likely in the room they kept all their fishing supplies.

Isi's feet dug into the dirt, refusing to move any further. But the man didn't seem to care, he was stronger then she was. Making in easy for him to make her move.

With his dirty hand still attached to her face, he used his free hand to force her onto a table. He shoved her head into the wood with such force, she could hear the wood splinter beneath her skin.

She had heard stories of slaves how had been forced upon by men. Men stronger then she was, in this case Isi. And now she was living the nightmare. Even though a Princess, she was being treated like one of those many slaves.

She tried to scream, tried to beg him to stop. But the large hand muffled her pleads. The room was dark, unable to see if there was a weapon of some sort, she could use to defend her self.

Her eyes began to water as she felt him lift up her dress, revealing her undergarments. She hadn't slept with anyone before, she could have, but she didn't. Mainly because her brothers would most likely burn him alive. But this man was about to change all that.

She couldn't see who it was, how old he was. Nothing. This man was anonymous.

The tears fell from her eyes like waterfalls as he gripped her breast harshly. A strong pain shot through her body, making her cries worse. This moment would haunt her the rest of her days.

As she felt his hand released and tug at his laces of his trousers, everything went numb. Her sobs stopped, her tears stopped. Everything just stopped, as she awaited the next events.

Her mind travelled back to all her childhood memories. All the times her brothers said they would protect her, that they would always be there for her. And now most of them had left, to travel to world. Leaving her defenceless against this man.

He knew that the Lothbrok sons were away, so he took his chance. He had been watching her for a while, sneaking out late at night to watch her bathe. And now he had her right where he wanted her.

Suddenly something in Isi's mind sparked. She could feel the small dagger Hvitsirk had gave her, against her skin as it was held by a small holder. Any man would have seen it and removed it, but this one didn't seem that bright.

Without a second thought, Isi pulled the blade out and immediately dug it into the mans stomach. Then again, and again. Screaming out with each stab, the warm, dark blood pouring down the silver onto her fingers.

She could hear the man gasp of breath, his body hitting the ground with the thud. His groans and raspy breaths soon came to a end, after he took one large, last breath.

Just as the man passed, both Sigurd and Ubbe suddenly burst through the door. All a little too late. Their eyes widened as the sight of their younger sister, holding a blood soaked knife as she stood next to the corpse of a man. His blood still oozing from his wounds.

"Next time, stick to your promise about protecting me" she snarled, shoving Hvitsirks knife into Ubbe's chest.

She pushed past the boys and walked through the streets of Kattegat, as if nothing had happened. Earning a wide range of looks and gasps as she passed the town folk.

Isi knew her brothers would follow her, demand to know what happened. And even then what difference would it make? She had already killed him. Which she surprisingly didn't feel any remorse towards.

Instead of heading for her cabin, she walked the opposite direction towards a small hut in the hills. Her brothers used it to store hunting supplies, they rarely visited it. So it seemed like the perfect place to hide out for a while.

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