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Many years had now past since he sent his sister off to build her own life

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Many years had now past since he sent his sister off to build her own life. To this day Ubbe could still remember how his brothers took the news of their sisters 'death'.

Hvitisirk seemed to take it the worst, using that as an excuse to become an alcoholic. Ivars hatred for the Christians only seemed to grow due to them 'killing her' and while Bjorn was still upset he seemed to handle it pretty well.

Though that was in the past now.

Throughout the years everything had changed. Ivar  became more and more sinister, with Hvitisirk taking his side on the feud between brothers. Ubbe chose to side with Bjorn, any sane person would have. Ivar was crazy, just like Sigurd had claimed so many times.

However the feud between them wasn't the regular arguing of normal siblings. No. There was going to be a war, a war between brothers. Where Ubbe was certain that one of them would die at their brothers hands.

He missed his sister dearly, curious of which side she would have picked. She was always close with Hvitisirk, but she had gotten closer with him. He was unsure of the choice she would have made.

The feud began shortly after Isi had left and York fully became theirs. Ubbe wanted to do more then just raid like his brothers planned, his views were the same as Bjorn's. He wanted to follow his fathers dream, Ragnar wanted more then to just raid and kill.

At first Hvitisirk sided with Ubbe, but at the last minute had a change of heart. The war between brothers started the moment he jumped ship.

It only escalated from there. Many fights and sibling rivalry later, and Hvitisirk done the unthinkable. During alcoholic stage he murdered Lagertha in cold blood, all while Bjorn was absent. Which left Ubbe to deal with his younger brother.

He knew he had to be punished for his crime, hell, if he never surely Bjorn would have. After all it was his mother. Ubbe had faced that grief long ago.

But Hvitisirk was his closest brother. They done everything together as kids, Ragnar even took the pair with them to face Rollo.

Now everything had changed.

Back home in Kattegat with Bjorn now the King of all Norway. The two eldest sons of Ragnar stood with many of their other warriors discussing their upcoming battle with the Rus.

Bjorn suggested they gather all the warriors and shield maidens they could, from all over Norway. The Rus army was large, much larger than their own and with Ivar by their side they had no hope. They had to be prepared.

Looking at the table in front of him, Ubbe sighed. With no other choice on how to stop this war, the war that could possibly end the Lothbrok siblings, he had to turn to his last resort. His sister.

"There's only one person in the world who can stop our brothers now" he spoke up, pushing himself from the table and folding his arms over his chest.

All eyes in the room suddenly turned to him, intrigued as to who it could be.

"Who?" Bjorn asked, his eyes glancing around while the gears in his mind turned.

"The only woman Ivar has ever loved....our sister" Ubbe's guilt filled eyes met with those confused ones of his brother.

"What are you talking about? Isi died when you took over York. You were the one who told me that" Bjorn stated pointing a blaming finger at his younger brother. He had always blamed them for Isi's death.

"That, was not exactly true..."

"Ubbe what do you mean?" Torvi asked her husband.

Ubbe married Bjorn's ex wife, she was a shield maiden, and a rather good one at that. She gave Bjorn children and had now gave him one. Adding more to the Lothbrok bloodline.

"Isi is alive. After Sigurds death I knew that Ivar was capable of doing the very same to any of us" Ubbe began. "During the battle I sent her away, she has been hiding ever since."

The room went silent, everyone taking in the unexpected news.

"Ok. She is alive. What how does that help us?" Bjorn asked with a raise of his eyebrows.

Ubbe thought for a moment, remembering back to his childhood. When Ivar wasn't the man he was now. When Isi would be the only one capable of making him smile, playing with him while others didn't, checking on him on a regular basis.

"He killed his wife Bjorn. He killed his child. He claims to have loved them but tell me....do you remember what he was like as a child?" Ubbe returned.

There was silence once again, all eyes turning to the King.

He huffed. "You are right, he did love our sister. More than I remembered."

Ubbe opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by one of their head warriors.

"You claim that the greatest shield maiden is alive. Tell us, where is she?" He shrugged, earning a soft hum from some of the others.

Ubbe had never liked the man, he was the blacksmiths son. The same blacksmith that Isi had killed years ago, no doubt his son wanted to revenge. But he himself knew he would never get it, not while the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok were still breathing.

"Like I said....hiding" Ubbe snarled. "Tomorrow I will visit her, ask for her help in the battle. Like you said brother we need all shield maidens, why not have the best?"

The truth was out. Isi was alive.

Ubbe only wondered how long it would be until word got to Ivar and Hvitisirk.

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