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That once strong woman Isi had built up was now slowly crumbling

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That once strong woman Isi had built up was now slowly crumbling. The person she had trained all hours of sunlight to become. Had disappeared in the matter of minutes, all because of a few words.

"Mother is dead"

The woman who raised her. The woman who braided her hair at night by the fire, telling her and her brothers stories of the gods. How they fought bravely, how they were descended from Odin himself. Was gone. And Isi could've spend her last moments with her, even prevented her from dying. And yet she was selfish, only thinking of her self.

Having not met Ragnar and had the slightest interaction with him. Isi wasn't upset by his death. But hearing that the woman that brought her up, taught her to walk, had died welding no weapon. That, Killed her.

She cursed the gods for making this her fate, that she would from now on be an orphan. That both her parents died in the span of a few days, and they allowed it.

The tears poured like a storm, her cheeks stained red with the constant friction of her wiping them away. She did not want to be seen as weak, but right now, in this moment, she was.

Hvitsirk attempted to comfort her, telling her it was going to be fine. That she would get through this with them. But she did not care for his pity words, not even he could bring her back from this.

Throwing her brothers hand from her, she stormed away from them. Through the woods behind the village. She longed for revenge, for justice for her mother's wrongful murder. But right now, she wished to be alone.

The day soon turned to night, the sun had now been replaced by the moon. Isi had not left the cliffs edge since she was told the upsetting news. She had starved herself that day, even she smell of food would cause her to be Nauseous.

She had watched the waves roll, the tied go out. She had watched the sunset of the water. All calming things, yet her mood had not shifted.

The sound of dragging could be heard fainting from the bottom of the steep hill. She had been away the whole day, and knew that her brothers would come searching at some point. The grunts and groans of Ivar got louder as he sat himself beside her.

He never spoke, unsure of how to comfort her. He was never fully aware of his emotions, what ones he had and which he didn't. It was mostly all rage to him.

"Hello Ivar" Isi greeted him plainly, no emotion in her voice as she spoke. Her eyes batted slowly as her gaze remained on the cliff opposite them.

As his sapphire eyes scanned over his sister he noticed all the different cuts that spread over her face. The dark circles beneath her eyes, her rosy cheeks. She can clearly been affected more by their mother's death then he had.

"Why did you leave Isi?" He asked turning her head to face him. Her the whites of her eyes had now stained red with the tears, her nose runny and her hands shaky.

He hated seeing her like this. And not knowing how to help her only made the matters worse. He used his thumb to wipe away the last tear which fell before she let out a sigh.

She dreaded this moment. Brining up the events of that night would only make things worse for her. Isi knew that at some point she would have to tell them, and the fact that it was Ivar only scared her. She knew what the outcome would be, so she debated on lying.

"I just had to clear my head, Sigurd and Ubbe were driving me crazy" she lied. Ivar could tell by her tone that this was not the story that truly took place.

"Isi, the truth" he demanded, his tone harsher then before.

The girl let out a sigh, removing his hand from her cheek and holding it in hers. She couldn't hide it any longer, he knew something was wrong. And if he knew, soon the others would too.

"While you were away, Ubbe and Sigurd failed to protect me" she began. "Ubbe sent me to see the carpenter while he was with the slave, but I never made it there" the memories started flooding back, tears forming in her eyes once more. "A man forced himself onto me, I was so scared Ivar. S-so I killed him"

Ivar sat there with wide eyes, many emotions coursing through his body. He was furious that his brothers never protected her, but he also felt upset. That she had to go through that traumatic experience. How he wished he could blood eagle the man that put her through that.

After moments of comforting her, watching the night sky, Isi began to grow tired. The pair was surprisingly greeted with their siblings as they entered the warmth of her hut. Isi was quick to say her goodnights to her brothers, hugging them individually before heading to her room.

Ivar pulled himself onto the empty chair by the fire, glaring at his brothers with pure hatred. He knew they didn't know why she ran, but they should have. It shouldn't have happened, not to her.

"You two are bastards" he scowled pointing his small knife at his older brothers.

"What have we done wrong now Ivar?" Sigurd replied, rolling his eyes as he drank the mead from his golden cup.

Usually Ivar would argue with Sigurd, tearing each other apart with insults. But knowing that his sister slept only meters from them, he did his best to keep quiet. She had a rough day, she deserved to sleep it off.

"What have you done wrong? You both were supposed to protect her while we were away" he snarled, his voice a shouted whisper.

"We-" Ubbe began but was quickly cut off by Ivar.

"No Ubbe, you allowed her to be raped!" Hvitsirks head shot towards his brothers. He was furious with them, Isi was kind and innocent. She did not deserve to be forced upon.

He would never forgive them for this.

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