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Hearing of her fathers passing gave Isi no choice

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Hearing of her fathers passing gave Isi no choice. She had to return to Kattegat, return to her brothers.
However they were all home now, and the disappearance of their sister didn't sit well with them.

Ivars boat had just docked, Ubbe and Sigurd pulling him from two of the crew. Swords, arrows and shields visible in each of Lagertha's shield maidens hands.

Ivars tired eyes scanned his surroundings, confused as to why Lagertha's colours painted the village. Her warriors spread across the land.

"Where's Isi?" He groaned, noticing the raven haired girl was missing. She would never miss welcoming him home.

His brothers chose not to answer, knowing the outcome that would take place if they did. Ivar was not one to take bad news well, his anger got the best of him all time.

Isi trudged through the grassy fields of the hill, her arrows held in a small pouch on her back, bow over her shoulder, and two axes placed at each hip.

She wasn't used to the weight she now had to hold, but becoming a fighter it was something she must put up with. And she wasn't going to change her mind now, not when she could get attacked again.

The day Isi was visited by the hooded man, Hvitsirk and Bjorn returned from their travels. Also hearing of their fathers death.

Confused as to why Lagertha's colours replaced their own, Hvitsirks gaze fell upon his 3 brothers. Once again without their sisters presence.

Once they became a few metres away, Ubbe held out his hand towards his younger brother. Hvitsirks mind raced once his eyes fell upon the object inside. His once white oak dagger, now coated with a faint red substance.

"Where is she Ubbe?" He asked sternly, his eyes burning through his brother like lasers. "Where is she!" He repeated, this time in a shout.

"She left, we have no idea where she has gone"

It took several hours, but finally Isi could see the large village she once called home. Her mood began to rise once her eyes set on the large boats sailing ashore. Surely that meant her brothers had returned.

She wondered if they had also been visited by the strange man. Or would she have to be the one to inform them of their fathers passing. Which she would not enjoy doing.

Her brothers grew up knowing him, laughing with him, telling stories with him. They would be more upset then she ever could, they had memories with him. Something Isi wasn't blessed with, and something she could never have.

On coming to the borders of the village, Isi couldn't help but notice the large difference of Kattegat. Lagertha's bright colours now replaced their own family ones, women warriors guarding the entrance.

On filling their brothers in on their sisters sudden disappearance, Sigurd couldn't help but hear the sudden commotion coming from outside of their hut. Hurried feet, sheilds clanking. It sounded as if they were going to war.

Clearly he hadn't been the only person who had caught on, now all the Ragnarsons sat silently. Eyes watching, ears listening to the shouts of the shield maidens.

Pushing through the crowd of gathered villagers, the brothers were met with a sight they would never believed was real. Stood in front of them was the same raven haired girl that had ran off days earlier. No explanation, no location, she just vanished. Like their father had done so many years ago.

Except, this wasn't the same Isi from days before. That small, gentle, kind girl was long gone, and it was clear to see.

"Thank the gods" Sigurd spoke up, walking slowly to greet the girl. He recognised the small cuts spread across her face from the night they found her. Covered in blood and standing beside the butchers body. Although he had no idea what had taken place that night, he knew she would tell one of them eventually. He was just glad she was safe.

Isi was glad to be back, the shocked looks on her brothers faces brought her a small amount of joy. However, Sigurd seemed to be the only one to show his appreciation that she had returned.

She was surprised he even stepped forward. The Ragnarsons weren't ones to show their emotions to publicly, or even in private. They were heartless killers in the eyes of others. But they didn't know they like she did.

Her brothers were vicious killers, ones to show no mercy at the best of times. But they weren't always like that, they had hearts. You just had to be the right one to find it.

Though Ivar seemed to be the only one that gave her doubts. His anger consumed his being mostly every second of the day, she started to believe he was incapable of love. He had never been shown it before, only sympathy. And that's not what he needed, he needed to be loved.

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