Chapter 3 - Bullshit and burritos

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The lights flickered above the dark abandoned hospital corridor. It was silent with various items of medical equipment scattered along the hallway and a large trail of blood smeared down the middle of the floor.

Suddenly a door flew open about halfway down the corridor, followed by two figures who frantically ran into the hallway, looking in both directions before deciding to take a right. They were heavily breathing as they struggled to keep up their stamina.

'This way!' cried the girl, now helping the wounded man to walk. He was covered in blood, a large gash to the leg had made him incapable of moving by himself. The girl put the man's arm over her shoulder, holding a pistol in her other hand, and began to drag him the best she could down the corridor, trying to move as quickly as possible.

A disturbing screeching sound could be heard coming from what must have been some sort of creature, accompanied by moaning from the darkness behind them. The man was in agony. 'Just leave me here!' he cried, falling to his knees, 'just get yourself out!'

'No, you're coming with me!' the girl replied attempting to get him back to his feet whilst pointing her pistol in the direction of the terrifying noise that was getting closer. 'I won't leave you here!' she cried as the man leaned against the door, knowing he had little chance of escape. All of a sudden, the door flew open. Several blood flesh arms grabbed the man's chest from behind him. 'Aghh!' he screamed as he clung to the door frame, holding on for dear life. The arms wouldn't let go, fleshy fingers grabbing his chest. 'Shoot them!' he cried before losing his grip on the door frame and being dragged into the abyss.

The girl jumped to her feet and pointed the pistol. She fired it repeatedly into the darkroom as she screamed.

'Nooo!' she cried. It was hopeless. The man had been taken. There was no time to mourn as she quickly turned to look back down the corridor.

The lights overhead were now flickering slower as the periods of complete darkness lasted for longer intervals.

Suddenly, a loud chorus of groaning surrounded the girl. She could make out silhouettes of figures limping towards her, getting closer by each flashing light, their gruesome arms reaching out to grab her. The girl screamed out in horror and desperation before the lights flickered for the last time leaving the corridor in complete darkness...

'And cut!' shouted Doug, climbing out of the director's chair and peering down the corridor. The studio lights switched back on to reveal the girl stood in the centre of the set, squinting whilst shading her eyes due to the brightness.

'Can we do it one more time? I feel like I can do it better than that!' Ellie requested walking over to Doug, as the production staff started to clear up the set.

'No can do kiddo, we're behind schedule as it is, besides, that was fine!' Doug replied, barely paying attention whilst heading towards the stage exit.

'Fine isn't good?' replied Ellie as she quickly followed him, trying to keep pace with him. 'This is one of the most popular shows in the world right now, and you're happy with just fine?' she complained. Doug wasn't interested in Ellie's opinion. He was mostly interested by the smell of burgers coming from outside as he got a glimpse of The Hollywood Catering Co trailer.

'This whole scene isn't working for me!' Ellie protested, grabbing Doug's arm as he almost made it to the exit. 'It doesn't make any sense? They should be heading to the exit, not to the roof?!'

'You know what, Ellie? You're absolutely right,' Ellie could sense the sarcasm in Doug's voice. 'The show is a global success! And we're not there on merit, we're there based on good writing and actors doing what they're told!'

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