Chapter 34 - Thin ice

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The blue and red flashing lights glowed in the distance through the branches of the trees. Will ran up the side of the country road, keeping his cap pointing down, attempting to hide his face. Eventually, he reached the single track path which led down through the dark and eerie woodland. This was the spot he'd been searching for. He recognised it from the previous time he'd been there.

The sounds of the police sirens could be heard echoing nearby, getting closer and closer. Will quickly ran down the path and into the woods, the incline of the hill almost turning his run into an out of control sprint. Suddenly, he lost his footing, reaching out his arms to prevent as much major damage as possible before falling to the ground and rolling partially down the hill, eventually coming to a halt.

He quickly looked up to see if the noise from his fall had attracted any unwanted attention. He could feel a penetrating pain in his side, but the adrenaline was taking over. Holding the bottom of his ribcage, Will noticed his hand was now covered in his own blood as he slowly got back to his feet. He could no longer run, the pain was beginning to throb as it came apparent that he'd done more damage than he'd initially thought.

Will finally made it to the bottom of the hill where he saw the large secluded lake. Present in the middle of the still water was the reflection of the full moon, glowing from the sky above. It was peaceful and silent, just as he'd remembered it.

He limped towards the long wooden jetty that reached out deep into the still water. He continuously looked over his shoulder as the sounds of sirens could still be heard, faintly in the distance.

The jetty was old, not well maintained with wooden slats missing every so often. Will was being careful not to fall as he continued moving slowly across the green algae that was wrapped around the wood. The pain was now almost unbearable as more of Will's blood spilled out onto his hand which was almost completely red.

'Ellie?' he said in a strained voice, trying his hardest to make himself heard, though he could only but murmur a whisper as to speak louder meant enduring agonising pain.

As Will finally reached the end of the jetty, he noticed a layer of thin ice, broken up into small pieces and floating on top of the flat surface of the lake.

Will could see his own breath as he knelt down at the end of the jetty and peered at his reflection. How had it come to this? How had things gone so badly wrong?

He knew he wasn't a bad person. Why couldn't anyone else understand that his intentions were good? That he wasn't some sort of freak?

'Ellie?' he tried to speak louder but it was no use. There was no one around. Will was alone, no one else was coming. It felt like it was getting colder by the minute as he continued to stare into the lake. Was this the only way out? All other hope was lost. He felt abandoned, almost as if his head was already in the noose, yet no-one was coming to free him.

He was tired. Tired of the pain, tired of the heartache. It was surely the best for everyone if he was no longer around.

Will slowly got to his feet, still clutching his ribs as the throbbing feeling from inside his body continued. The sirens were getting evermore closer as he turned around to see if the police had found him yet.

The tears began to stream down Will's cheeks as he stood right on the very edge of the jetty. It would be over soon. He took off his jacket and sweater leaving only his t-shirt. The hairs on his arms were stood up as the goosebumps began to rise. Shivering uncontrollably, he pulled off his trainers and socks and threw them behind him. It was bitterly cold on the wooden slats. Will looked around the area one last time. He was still alone. There weren't even any signs of wildlife. He slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath - placing one leg out in front of the other, as if he was about to step onto a surface. The tears had stopped now and Will was sure this was the last option. The only way it could end...

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