Chapter 20 - The rat

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Ellie was suspicious. Had her Dad figured out what was going on? Had Luke betrayed her? Was she overthinking? Probably. But that wouldn't stop her from interrogating her suspects. Something was off, she could sense it. Just how was it that the police had turned up at Will's apartment the one time she just so happened to be there? She wasn't a believer in coincidence. She smelt a rat. It all seemed very convenient.

There was only one person; other than Will and her, that knew where she had planned to be last night - Luke. Was that what he was really up to? Had he outsmarted Ellie in twisting her plan upside down, just to get Will out of the picture?

She hadn't been seen, she was sure of it. She had checked and double-checked and then checked once more. No time to waste, she was going to get to the bottom of this.

Without a second thought, Ellie dashed out of her trailer and marched up the path like a woman on a mission. She thumped her fist on the door of Luke's trailer whilst repeatedly tapping her foot on the floor.

'Morning,' said Luke, looking all sweet and innocent, 'I thought they only needed me this afternoon?'

'Got a minute? I need to talk to you...' snapped Ellie, already halfway into the trailer as she ducked under Luke's arm to gain entry.

Ellie quickly sat on the sofa, her arms folded and grinding her teeth. Luke could tell something had rattled her. He took a seat opposite, moving his school books to the other side of the table.

'What's going on Ellie?' he asked cautiously. Ellie looked like someone who should be approached with caution. Luke decided to keep his distance, mainly to retain all of his limbs.

'It was you, wasn't it?' Ellie was stern, her tongue almost piercing through the side of her cheek.

'What was me?' Luke gasped, trying to work out what Ellie was accusing him of.

'Don't act all innocent, I know it was you. You told them where I was last night, didn't you?!' Ellie's voice was escalating in volume with every word she spoke. Her face was going pinker with anger. Luke felt like he had a ticking time bomb in his trailer - which was about to explode at any moment.

'I honestly have no idea what you're talking about? Told who? Told them what?'

'Don't lie to me...' Ellie's tone descended into one of threat whilst Luke could feel the sweat forming on the back of his neck.

'It all seems a little bit convenient that the one night I go and stay at Will's place, the cops show up - bright and early the next morning?'

'What? Seriously? Did they see you?' It seemed Luke was really playing the game of innocence well.

'No - they didn't. I got out of there before they had the chance... your little plan failed!'

'What little plan? Ellie, I have honestly no idea what you're talking about? I never told anyone that you were seeing Will last night - as far as I knew you were meeting in the hills... I mean seriously, Ellie? His apartment? What were you thinking?'

Ellie couldn't help thinking that Luke had a point. How could he have known that she'd gone back to Will's apartment?

'Maybe you were stalking me in the bushes? I don't know...' Ellie wasn't going to admit defeat that easily, despite it being clear to her now that Luke was telling the truth.

'I really do have better things to do than that,' Luke joked as he got back to his feet.

'Okay, sorry,' Ellie mumbled under her breath, staring out of the window and feeling slightly embarrassed.

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