Chapter 18 - Will

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The cameras were flashing from all directions. The crowd were screaming as Ellie climbed out of the car and onto the red carpet, followed by Will who was trying his hardest to hide his nerves as he straightened his bowtie and unfastened the button on his black suit jacket.

He stood closely next to Ellie, who's name was being shouted by lots of different people all around them. She smiled for the cameras as Will put his arm around her waist, trying to avoid ruining the photo as he awkwardly posed next to her.

Will was struggling to keep up with Ellie as she ran over to the barrier to greet some of the fans, who were wearing t-shirts with her face on them and holding movie posters for her to sign.

Will and Ellie posed for photo after photo as the crowd wrestled with each other to get as close as they could. Will was actually getting more comfortable being recognised by people in the street - the guy they'd seen in all the magazines and on social media as Ellie Greene's hot new man.

Ellie took a quick look at Will and laughed as he seemed to be enjoying the fame - a side of Ellie's life in which he'd been absent until recently. People were screaming his name, he felt extremely overwhelmed as one of the reporters grabbed him for a chat, with Ellie heading to another one by his side.

'Will Miller, how does it feel to finally have this movie coming out? You must be so proud?' asked the reporter as she pointed the microphone towards him.

'Yeah,' he said, trying to sound confident, 'it's been one hell of a ride making this movie, but I'm so excited for everyone to finally see it. That's what makes being a writer so special, seeing the finished movie on the big screen,' he added.

'And it must have been great to work with your real-life partner on this project? Or did it cause arguments? Spending so much time together?'

'You know, it's always fun working with your partner - and she's an amazing actor... just look at her, isn't she gorgeous!' he said as he noticed Ellie joining his side after finishing her interview with another reporter. He brought her towards him and held her in his arms.

'This is the picture!' shouted Ellie, giggling as she pointed towards the photographers whilst the flashes continuously flickered in front of them. Will couldn't stop himself from smiling, He was on cloud nine, he'd finally made it...

'Will?!' shouted Joe as he clicked his finger and thumb together repeatedly. 'Hellooo?'

'Yeah, shit, sorry... erm, what?' Will was rather embarrassed that he'd been caught daydreaming. He always seemed to find more comfort in the life he was sure he would have had, if he and Ellie were still together. But just as he was at his happiest, the reality could come crashing down on top of him.

'Delivery has arrived outback, come on...' Joe said as he guided Will to the lorry in the yard at the back of the store.

With the help of Will, Joe climbed up into the back of the truck and started to hand him down some boxes that had arrived in the delivery.

'You were thinking about her again, weren't you?' asked Joe who could tell Will was still coming out of what looked like some sort of trance.

'It makes it easier man...' he said stacking up the boxes in the storeroom, '...and you definitely got the right house?'

'Hey, I'm not an idiot - even though I might have looked it, wandering around Beverly Hills!' joked Joe. 'Some of those houses man, it's a different world up there! I saw this one house, it had a golden front door!'

'Why would you want that? Sounds like it would look horrible?'

'Because they can?'

'Okay... and you're a hundred percent sure that you got the right house?' Will asked again, trying to double check that Joe hadn't messed up his only chance of communication with Ellie.

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