Chapter 21 - Are we out of the woods yet?

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It was a chilling feeling, being back in the LAPD interview room. There was a familiar oozy smell that had been present the previous time Will had found himself waiting to be questioned. His anxiety levels were sky-high. Why had he been called back into the police station? Had they found new evidence after turning his apartment upside down?

The door flew open as Robert stood in the hallway, looking like some sort of Bond villain.

'Mr. Miller...' said Robert loudly and assertively as he sat down on the opposite side of the table, 'I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that the investigation into allegations of indecent behaviour towards a minor has been deemed inconclusive,' Will let out a peal of shaky laughter. He couldn't help but feel relieved as if he had gotten away with something, even though he hadn't done any wrongdoing.

'So does this mean I can see Ellie again?' he asked. For the first time since he could remember he actually felt like he could breathe normally again, as if the whole world had been lifted from off his shoulders.

'I would tread carefully, Mr. Miller,' Robert warned, 'Arthur Greene is still adamant that he doesn't want you anywhere near his daughter. Remember, she is still underage in the state of California. Don't give him a reason to call us again...' Robert sat back in his chair and closed the file of documents he had been studying when he'd first entered the interview room. 'You're free to leave, Mr. Miller...'

Will didn't need telling twice. He almost leaped out of his chair and towards the door to the interview room, trying to remain as calm as possible, knowing full well Robert was studying his every move.

He couldn't hide the joy from his face any longer as he collected back his belongings from the front desk of the police station. It felt like he was free at last.

He hadn't made it to the bottom of the steps before calling Ellie. 'It's over El,' he gasped down the phone as he walked along the sidewalk, 'I can't believe it - they said it's inconclusive due to the lack of evidence, they had nothing on me!'

'That's great, I'm so happy for you!' Ellie replied, rather quietly.

'I'm happy for us! I mean, this changes everything, right? We can finally move on from all this and be a real couple! And of course, we can work on our show together!'

'Yeah, I guess - it's really great news, Will...'

'When can I see you?'

'Whenever you like!' Ellie's voice was beginning to jolt, she couldn't hold back her emotions at the relief of being able to see Will again.

'Okay well, I want to see you as soon as I can! How about tonight? What time do you finish at the studio?' asked Will.

'About six. I'll come to you...'

'Okay, can't wait - I've missed you so much!'

'I know, I've missed you too...' Ellie paused for a moment, trying to take slow breaths. 'Will? We're going to be okay now, aren't we? Everything is going to be okay?'

'Of course, things are going to be perfect from now on... it's just you and me, taking on the world together!' Will replied joyfully as he continued to walk down the sidewalk, with an extra spring in his step.

'Promise me, Will?'

'I promise...'

Ellie slowly hung up the phone, dropping it onto the floor of the small toilet cubical she found herself sat in as she placed her hand on her forehead, with tears now streaming down her face. She was struggling to take in any air, yet this should have been a joyful moment. The cops had nothing on Will, no way of charging him over these false accusations. Surely now they were finally free to be a couple, out in the open, with no legal way of stopping them from being together? But was her personal battle with her Dad really over, or was it only just beginning?

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