Chapter 29 - North Paradise

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It was great to be back in the kitchen at Billy's. Will felt the happiest he had felt for ages as the eggs were scrambled and the bacon was sizzling. For the first time in a long time, the diner was packed. Well, why wouldn't it be when the local press had reported sights of a Hollywood celebrity visiting? People may have flocked back to Billy's in the hope that Ellie may make an appearance at some point, but to Billy, it didn't matter. The place was buzzing - and he still didn't have any clue what so ever as to who Ellie was.

'Two more breakfasts for table sixteen,' instructed Billy through the hatch as Will picked up the order written down on a piece of paper.

'Sure thing, Bill,' he shouted back as he continued to juggle the orders and slid two plates of food back through the hatch.

Little did he know the trouble that was looming. He'd not stopped all morning, cooking, cleaning, and keeping on top of the orders that were coming in thick and fast. He'd not even had the chance to stop and try to contact Ellie, for what would have been about the fiftieth message with no reply.

Still, Will clung onto the hope that Ellie just needed time to process his secret. It was going to be fine, he continually told himself, and that they hadn't broken up. Will was always someone who would try to look on the bright side, a real glass-half-full type of guy - Even if the challenges of recent times had tested his approach to life.

Will was struggling to keep up. The sweat was building upon his forehead as he tried to prevent any of the bacon rashes from burning, flipping them constantly to avoid them turning into streaks of ash. But the pressure was worth it. It had been the happiest he'd seen Billy since moving back home. Maybe it was time to admit to himself that this was where he truly belonged. Whether Ellie would soon trade the glamorous life she had in L.A. to join him in living in a little town just outside Boston remained to be seen. But he was still confident that that was what she still wanted, despite not hearing a peep from her in days.

'Where is he?!' a voice cried from the diner. Before Will had even had the chance to turn around, the kitchen door flew open and Jade came bursting in.

'Put that down, you need to go now!' Jade was frantic as she grabbed Will by the apron in an attempt to drag him out of the kitchen. 'Come on Will,' she cried.

'What's going on? I can't just leave?' he argued. His twin sister always got her way, there wasn't much point in trying to disagree with her.

'Well you can't stay here can you?!'

'What the hell are you talking about? Look at the place - I'm not going anywhere?'

'You have to Will, for your own good...'

Will hadn't even managed to switch off the stove before being pulled out of the kitchen and into the diner by Jade.

'Billy, switch it to CNN...' she said as Billy reached and pointed the remote to the small TV that stood on a shelf on the wall behind the bar.

'Shocking Scenes in Beverly Hills last night as teen Hollywood royalty, Ellie Greene was taken into police custody.' The reporter on the TV stated.

'Holy shit...' said Will as he gazed at the footage of Ellie getting into the back of the cop car. He felt his heart beginning to race. What would this mean for him now?

'It's currently unclear as to why Miss Greene was arrested but sources close to the young actress say she has been accused of failing to co-operate with a legal investigation...'

'That's the young lady that came here with you, Will?' said Billy looking worried.

'You need to go, now!' cried Jade, trying her best to protect her brother.

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