Help E

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Demi's POV

After the show last night Mia disappeared after talking with her family. I wasn't sure where she went so Gianna and I just got onto the bus and waited for her to come to us. But the hours started to past so I just told Gianna to get ready for bed since Mia is most likely doing a lot of press and wont be in till late. Gianna and I will be on tour will Mia until Gianna has to go back to school.

Needless to say after I got the call from a very frantic Melissa asking about Mia's whereabouts I have been really worried about where she is emotionally, and if she is stable enough to be on tour right now. But after reading that letter before Mia has a right to be unstable. Her brother, who she idolizes, basically wrote her a suicide note. Her beliefs about Aiden are about to change and I want to be there to make sure she is going to be okay, but I can't be when I have to take Gianna back to LA on the 29th. The only bright side about all of this is that we are going to be all together for my birthday on the 20th. 

Then around 2 in the morning Mia walked into the back bedroom on the bus. I watched her change into a pair of short and a t-shirt before climbing into bed with me, well it was more like limped into bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked and turned on my side to look at her.

"Yea, just a bit sore. If you're wondering where I was I was with Josh." Mia said.

"What did you get now?" I asked. Don't get me wrong I love Mia's tattoos it just I would love to actually be able to see her skin. I feel like whenever something goes wrong she gets another one to hide her pain behind.

"You can't see it yet because it's not done." She said and looked at me before moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked.

"It's a travel day. We are stuck on the bus going to Miami." She said.

"Okay, let's get some sleep." I said and got closer to her.

Mia opened her arms and I crawled into my normal spot with my head on her chest listening to her heartbeat. She kissed my forehead and I feel asleep with a content smile on my face.

The next morning I woke up before Mia. That's usually unusual but after what happened last night and yesterday I knew that Mia needs to catch up on sleep. I let her sleep for a while before I separated myself from her and got up to go to the bathroom. After I was done with my business I went up to the front of the bus and saw Gianna sitting on one of the couches watching cartoons. Even though she is 13 Gianna loves to watch her cartoons in the morning before she leaves for school or after she gets up.

I sat down next to her and she cuddled into my side. We sat in silence for a while until the episode was over.

"Is mom okay?" She asked. Gianna is very smart and I'm not going to lie to her about her mother.

"Honestly I don't know. Yesterday something happened and it might take her a few days to get back to herself, so don't get annoyed with her if she isn't all her right now." I said.

"I've seen her interview with Oprah so I know a bit." Gianna said.

"When she is ready she will tell you the full story herself." I settled on.

After that I told her to go get dressed and asked the driver how much longer to Miami we have. He said we still have a few hours, so I asked if we could stop somewhere for breakfast. He told me sure so I went back into Mia's bedroom and I found her sitting up in bed rubbing her head.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked and sat right next to her.

"Yea, I just have a headache." She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

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