Alone E

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Demi's POV

My birthday yesterday was amazing. I had so much fun going to Disney with Mia and my friends, then when we came home to all of my family and friends surprising me. I couldn't believe they did it all without me finding out. But to top it all off Mia's gifts made my heart melt. I don't truly think she knows how much the video and the necklace mean. But then I had to be stupid and ruin the damn moment and the rest of her night when I fucken tackled her to the ground.

After that happened everybody was concerned and it kind of ruined the night. Mia being Mia came out of her room only a half hour after we put her there. I watched her like a hawk and I didn't want her to move too much but she did. A little after she ate something she went back to her room. I stayed with the party for a while and then around midnight I started to kick everybody out because I'm tired from a long day.

Once the last person was out the door I locked it and went to the living room. I cleaned up a bit but got too lazy to finish it. So I sat on the couch and picked up the book Mia made for me. I didn't get a chance to really look at it while everybody was here. Page after page had pictures from our vacation. I loved everything about it. When I was almost done with the book I heard something come from deeper in the house.

I got up off the couch and walked toward the noise. What the hell is it? Then I heard a scream. I took off toward Mia's room and threw the door open when I got here. Mia is screaming in her sleep. I jumped onto her bed and yelled at her trying to wake her up.

"MIA!" I yelled.

"Stop, stop" Mia yelled. I got off her and ran to the bathroom. I filled a cup of water and ran back over to her. I dumped it on her head and she jumped up screaming.

She backed into her headboard and she looked at me. Her chest is heaving as she is trying to catch her breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"What do you think?" She said and got up off her bed and walked past me to the bathroom. She slammed the door shut and I just sighed.

I don't know what I should do. Dallas said when she saw Mia she was more quiet then usually. She also thinks that her getting the tattoos are a sign that she wants to feel something. That I can believe because I've been there. Mia has told me she wants to complete her sleeves eventually. Don't get me wrong I think tattoos are hot but I think Dallas is right. And now this, Mia has only have a few nightmares since we have been back in LA. Last time I talked to Brooklyn she said Mia has one almost every night when she was in Texas. Then she stopped out of the blue, which Brooklyn later found out it was because Mia just stopped sleeping altogether.

Something's gotta give. Mia didn't come out of the bathroom for a while. When she did she wouldn't look at me.

"I need to be up early tomorrow because I have stuff to do." She said and started taking off her sheets.

"Leave it come sleep in my room tonight." I said taking her hand.

"Demi just leave me alone please." Mia said and pulled her hand out of mine.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." I said and slowly backed out of her room.

Mia slammed the door in my face once I was out the door. I was really surprised by that. She's never shut me out like this before. I just went back to my room and called Brooklyn. I told her what's going on. She needs to know because I know Mia will never tell anybody, she wouldn't have told me if I didn't walk in on her to wake her up. Brooklyn just said to watch her. If she gets worse to call and tell her.

I went to bed that night questioning if Mia is really okay, and if she is going to make it through this tour without having a total breakdown. When I woke up the next morning Mia was already gone. She didn't tell me where she was going or what she is doing today. She is most likely with Sara off doing something for the VMA's. I'm meeting with my manager Amy today for a dress fitting for what I'm going to wear to the VMA's. It's the final fitting and I'm really excited about it.

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