Christmas in Dallas E

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Mia's POV

My first headlining arena tour was a complete success and absolutely amazing. Almost every show was sold out, and I kind of didn't want it to end. But I think that my favorite was the one in LA and on Long Island. The exclusive shows I did were the best because I felt like I could connect with the fans one on one. I think now for every tour I do I want to do at least one of those shows.

Then we had Gianna's one year. God, the fact that she thought I wouldn't be there for the anniversary and her birthday almost killed me. But it was all worth it in the end to see the look on her face when I came out of the dressing room. The night at the show was even better. The look on Gianna's face after Wes shoved the cake in it was so funny. She took it in strides though.

The rest of the tour was great. Wesley and I did a lot of bonding and we even got matching tattoos. Demi wasn't really happy when I told her about it but it's on my left leg and it's kind of out of the way, and Keaton got it also, so it's not just us two. Speaking of tattoos I just got the dragon one finished, Josh colored it in two days ago. But Demi still hasn't seen it yet.

We got into Dallas on the 20th and just have been chilling. Christmas Eve we spent the day with Demi's family, and that's when she saw the dragon. I was walking into her parents' house after my run and I'm only in a sports bra and shorts.

"You got a Dragon?!" She yelled from the living room. I almost didn't hear her because my music was so loud.

"What?" I asked her as I pulled my headphones out.

"You got a dragon!" She said and pointed to my stomach were you can see the top half of the dragon coming out from my hip.

Dianna, Maddie, Dallas, Gianna and Demi are all staring at me, well really the dragon. But after second glance I realized that they are not looking at the dragon any more but at the scars on my stomach.

"Yes, I got a dragon." I said and went out the back door to cool off. I took a deep breath and sat down by the pool.

No matter how much time has passed since my teens I will always have body image issues. My tattoos are like my security blanket. They cover up the ugly parts of me. They help me move on from my past that no matter how hard I try, I will never escape. It helps not to see the scars that remind me of everything that has happened.

I heard the door open and I know its Demi. She sat down next to me and I put my head on her shoulder.

"So, why did you get a dragon?" She asked and started playing with my hair.

"I needed to feel something other than the mental pain of Aiden's letter, so I called Josh and asked him what I should do. He drew up the sketch and brought it down to the arena and did it. I wasn't expecting it to come out this nice though." I said.

"It's pretty badass, I have to say. But the next time you decide to get a matching tattoo with your ex-boyfriend, please tell me." Demi said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yea that probably wasn't the best idea but he really wanted it. Keaton joined in last minute and so did almost everybody. I'm guessing you didn't see my last Instagram." I said.

"No, I did, but still." Demi said.

"Are you mad? Do you want to get matching tattoos now? But you also remember I have your lips on my shoulder." I said and looked at Demi.

"I remember and I'm not mad, I'll think about the matching tattoos but for now go shower so we can get started on the festivities." Demi said.

We got up and went back inside. Everybody was watching TV now and paid me no attention. I went upstairs and showered and got dressed in Demi's ridiculous onesie that she picked out for everybody. After I was done I joined everybody downstairs. Gianna took a seat on my lap and we waited to see what Demi has in mind for us.

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