Charlie E

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Demi's POV

After Mia stormed out of the apartment I looked back at Marissa. She is cleaning up the fake blood that's still in the sink. I sighed and went to the bathroom to go help her. I washed my hands off and sat on the toilet.

"She didn't take that well" Marissa said and threw a red paper towel into the garbage.

"You think? I thought she would laugh about it." I said and rubbed my head.

"Mia isn't really a good joker." Marissa said.

"Yea I should have learned that by now." I said.

Usually whenever I prank her she doesn't react well, and that's usually when I jump out and scare her. This was a bit far.

"Where do you think she went?" I asked Marissa.

"I don't know" Marissa said and looked at me.

"I fucked up" I said.

"We both did" Marissa said and threw the last paper towel at me.

I chuckled and threw it out. Marissa and I finished the bathroom and waited for Mia and the girls to come back. It was getting late and I still haven't heard anything from any of them. I asked Marissa to text Mia and she got an answer saying she'll be home soon. Not knowing where Mia is is making my nerves stand on end because of what happened the last time. But I have more faith in her being with Lauren and Camila that nothing bad will happen. I just won't be completely at ease till she is home and in my arms.

The night past rather slowly as I waited for Mia to come home. Marissa just left and I just want Mia to come home. I got up and went back to my room to finish off some packing. I was only at it for what felt like five minutes when I heard the door open. I bolt out of my room and run into the living room to see Mia put her keys on the hook by the door.

"Where did you go?" I asked trying to keep my emotion in check.

"I was with Lauren and Camila, we went back to Fifth Harmony's apartment and hung out with them for a while." Mia said like it was no big deal.

"Mia believe it or not but I love you and after what happened a few weeks ago it's hard for me to let you out of my sight unless I'm standing next to you." I said failing to keep myself together.

"I'm not going anywhere Demi, just because I go out to hang out with friend doesn't mean anything is going to happen. I left before because I was mad at you for that dumb ass prank you pulled. You know I don't like pranks. The one I pulled on you wasn't even really a prank I just filmed you dancing!" Mia said.

I have only seen Mia get mad a few times and when she does she has this vein that pops out of her head a bit. It also comes out whenever she gets really into playing her guitar. She told me once that one of her lacrosse teammates called it Charlie.

"Demi are you even listening to me?" Mia yelled. I shook my head and focused on her.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"God I'm trying to fight with you and you zone out!" Mia yelled again and hit her thigh.

"I was thinking about the time you told me about Charlie" I said and looked at her forehead.

Mia now has a scar from the stitches she needed to close the gash in her forehead. It's a line that goes from middle of her left eyebrow to a little before her hairline. When I focused back on Mia's face again her expression softened a bit.

"After getting to that house and hearing those gun shots, I thought you where the one who was dead, Mia, and my heart broke. The only thought going through my mind was that if you where gone I would be going right after I found out, because there is no reason for me to live without you." I said, the first tear fell from my eye and I finally looked back at Mia.

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