Baltimore E

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Mia's POV:

It was nice to get to spend some time with moms and the babies. I'm really excited to get back to tour though. While I was home I got everything set up for moms to come out for a few shows. They are both coming with the babies to Brooklyn's Barclays Center, then the two of them are just coming with Karina and Paul to the Staples Center and the show in San Diego. Everybody is going to be at the show in San Antonio also.

After the flight I went right to the hotel and got myself together. Sara is getting me in a few minutes then we are going to the rehearsal space. I haven't seen the band yet so I'm wondering where they are. Same with Demi, I haven't seen her yet also. I thought she would be at the hotel waiting for me but she's not. Oh well. I just got myself settle when there is a knock on the door.

I pulled it open and saw Sara waiting outside with her luggage. She didn't really look happy. I opened the door wider and she walked in past me.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"Don't ask, are you ready?" She asked after she dropped her luggage onto her bed.

"Yea, where's the band?" I asked picking up my guitar. Today I'm going to use my straight black fender, since this is only practice.

"Waiting in the lobby lets go." Sara said.

Sara walked right out the door and I followed her down to the lobby. When I got there I saw then all waiting for me. Sara yelled at them to get into the van and walked right past them.

"What crawled up her ass?" Reagan said in my ear as we walked outside.

"Don't know, but whatever it is it better crawl back out." I said and got in.

We drove in silence to the rehearsal studio. We won't be able to get into the arena for a few days because of other events going on so Simon got us space in a dance studio down the road from the arena. After we got there we all got out and Sara showed us to the studio before slamming the door on her way out.

"Damn what is wrong with her today?" Mark asked.

"I have no idea." I said.

I looked around the room and saw its pretty decent size. I dropped my backpack and place my guitar on the floor. We all went around and said hello to everybody. After I sat on the floor and started to think about what I wanted to do for the tour. I got out a pen and paper and started to write out a set list.

"So boss what are we going to be doing today?" Hanna said and sat down across from me.

"Uhm I'm making a set list at the moment, after I got it down we'll start practicing." I said not looking up from the page.

I took another five minutes to think it over before I told everybody the order of what we are doing. I get to play 6 songs. Everybody got into their positions while I got my guitar together. My ribs still hurt but the pain is slowly going away, thank god. First song we played was Alone together.

After we finished I pulled my guitar off and got my notebook out. I have had these lyrics in my head for a while and I can't get them out. I grabbed my notebook and put it on the floor in front of me before grabbing my guitar.

"Mia what are you doing?" Taylor said.

"I have had these lyrics stuck in my head for days now and it's really bothering me." I said.

"Did you finish it?" Taylor asked and sat next to me.

"Almost but I want someone to sing it with me." I said and changed some words around.

"Sing it" Reagan said.

She didn't have to tell me twice. I opened my mouth and sang my song. It actually sounded a lot better once I sang it out loud.

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