Planning E

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Demi's POV:

After Mia's accident she has been acting differently. The only way you would notice it is if you are really close to Mia. She has been really quiet and not as open as she usually is. Brooklyn called and asked me if I have noticed it. When I said yes, she got really concerned. I told her that it just might be from the fact that she was just shot at and her father just died but she thought it was something more. I just told her I would look out for her.

After the first night in the hospital I have only seen Mia a few times. I think that kind of makes me a sucky girlfriend but I have to get a lot of things done before we go away on vacation. If I want to make this a work free vacation I need to get all this stuff done today.

I left Mia's house early that morning and went home. After her Oprah interview on Wednesday we are going to fly back to LA on Thursday pack and fly out to Bora Bora for a week. I'm so excited for this vacation. I can't wait to just sit on a beach in the middle of nowhere with no work, or problems to deal with. This is the first time in a long time we will be alone together for more then a few hours.

It took all day but I finally got everything done. I had to go over the tour schedule and start to plan out the international dates for the tour. Along with that I just finished making the set list and creating the stage, well the way I want it to look. Once that was done I had to forward the design off the Nick, since he is my creative director again for my world tour, and I sent it off to Sara so Mia knows how the stage is supposed to look so she can make her stage up also. Next I watched audition tapes and hired all of the dancers I wanted and went over the guidelines for my musician's contracts, then called each of them to make sure they are on board with going out on tour again. After all of that I double-checked everything before sending it off to the right people.

Now that I was done with the work I got my Mac out and loaded Safari. First thing I Googled was Posttraumatic stress disorder. I would bet money that Mia has it, or something along those lines. Little to no sleep, nightmares, being closed off are all symptoms. The more I Googled the more I realized Mia should go talk to a therapist about this before things got out of hand. She already said that is barely sleeping. When we go away I will watch her actions closely and bring it up to her again.

I was in the middle of reading an article when someone grabbed my Mac from me and closed it.

"What the hell!" I said and saw Dallas standing in front of me.

"Have you been on this thing all night Demetria?" Dallas said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"It's 8:30am Demi, did you sleep at all last night?" Dallas said.

I looked at the clock on the cable box and saw she is right. I can't believe I stayed up all night.

"I guess not." I said and got up to stretch.

"What where you doing on the computer anyway that you didn't sleep?" Dallas asked and handed me my Mac back.

"Nothing." I said and tried go to go my room. I didn't even get past the coffee table before Dallas grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Demi" She said.

"I was looking up PTSD." I said with my head down.

I heard Dallas sigh and I looked up. She knows that I have been having a hard time managing everything.

"What makes you say that?" Dallas asked. I sat back down on the couch and explained everything to her. I was happy that I told Dallas everything because I needed to get everything off my chest.

Dallas gave me some advice and then she made me go take a nap after I ate something. Mom woke me up around noon and made me go out with her. I got some new clothes and baiting suits for my trip and we had dinner. After dinner we went back home and I went right to bed because I was so tired.

Mia calling woke me up. It's a little after noon and I was still really tired.

"Hey babe." I said half asleep.

"I have a question for you." She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"If she brings it up what should I say about our relationship." Mia asked.

"Say what you want babe, just nothing too personal. We are together and are going strong, nothing else." I said.

"Did I wake you?" Mia asked.

"You did" I said.

"I'll let you get back to sleep then." Mia said and hung up.

Just the little things I'm starting to notice too. Before Mia would always say I love you before we hung up. She would also send me a text before I went to bed saying goodnight and one to wake up to in the morning but now nothing. I didn't really how much I like that until now.

I know it's only been a few days from the accident but I hope that this doesn't last to long.

Song on the side is Little Things by One Direction.

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