Celebrate E

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Mia's POV

I left the apartment still in awe that I got nominated for a Grammy, let alone six. I shook it off and pulled into the studio. I actually drove Gianna to Cara's house and she is going to stay over house tonight to give Demi and I some alone time. Don't get me wrong, I love having our daughter around but tonight I really wanta get laid. It's also been a while sense Demi and I have been on a date so I want tonight to be special.

I got to the studio and met Sara inside. She gave me all of the information about the Grammy's and what is going on. Demi and I are going to be flying in after the show on Friday night. Saturday we get everything prepared and Sunday is the award show. Monday we fly back to Europe and meet up with the tour in Italy I believe. Sara is making me wear a dress though, which I'm not really happy about it.

Back to work. I met up with Lupe in studio number 6 and he showed me the song. I feel in love with it right away. I asked if I could make a few changes and Lupe said yes. So I did and got into the booth. I recorded the parts of the song I needed to and the engineer put the song together. The song came out great and I was really happy with how it sounded.

After I was done with Lupe I was walking out of the studio when I ran into Taylor Swift. She was at the front desk with Lorde as I was walking out and she saw me.

"Mia!" Taylor said and I looked up from my phone.

"Hey Taylor, Ella." I said.

"Do you have a minute?" Taylor asked.

"Sure, I can't stay for long though." I said looking at the time.

We walking into studio number 4 and sat down on the couch. They both looked at me and I didn't really know what to do.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"Right, okay so we were wondering if you would write a song with us." Taylor said.

"Okay, but I have a question." I said and smirked.

"Anything shoot" Taylor said.

"What is going on between you and Karlie? Demi and I have been wondering?" I asked. I couldn't help myself. It's all over the stupid gossip sites. Taylor went red and looked at Ella. She was smirking and looked like she is trying to hold in laughter.

"You totally are coming to the dark side aren't you?! You know we have cookies, and by cookies I mean"

"MIA! Shut it!" Taylor said cutting me off and I couldn't help but laugh at how red her face is.

"Shots fired." I said and leaned back in the chair. "You just need to do what you think is best for you. If you want to experiment a bit, go for it." I said.

"So this song?" Taylor said.

Taylor, Ella and I ended up just talking about Taylor and Karlie for an hour. I had to go to be home in time to get ready to take Demi out. But while we were talking I came up with an idea for a love song. I'll play it for Demi later tonight when we get home from dinner.

I got home and Demi was in the shower. I joined her to help save some water and some time. Before I left Taylor and Ella I made reservations at Demi's favorite restaurant. Demi asked where we were going but I told her it's a surprise. I also asked Simon if I could barrow one of his many cars. He said fine only if he could move the release date of my album up two weeks. I told him no, and counter offered that I wouldn't damage the car and I would babysit his son for a night so him and his girlfriend could go out. He took that deal and sent someone over to drop of one of his cars. I didn't know what it was going to be.

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