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He's sitting beside Blaise, making polite conversation. It feels, off. To have someone so unfamiliar in our close circle. I know he's one of us. I can feel the complex energy, and especially the scent of Dior Sauvagine drifting across the table. He's one of us.

Jesus this sounds like a cult.

"So, what's her deal?" I hear Draco ask pointing to me with his fork, loud enough for me to hear and apparently seeking attention. 

I scowl and turn my head down to my plate. "She's best friends with the Riddles, got them wrapped around her finger," Blaise says. 

Draco's eyes slightly widen at the mention of Riddle but they soon dilate back to normal as he regains his confidence, all of this happening in a matter of seconds. 

"Are you with either of them?" He asks smirking. I shake my head but raise my eyebrow. "I'm not really interested if that's what your asking" I say. 

"Bold of you to assume. But I don't date girls like you" He says. "Girls like me?" I say. "Yeah. Self centered, rich, beautiful but bland. Girls like you" He says. 

I see Tom clench his jaw and Mattheo his fists, but I slide my hand into Mattheos and calm him down. Shooting a reassuring look at tom, i turn to face the ignorant blonde. 

"I don't remember asking for the opinion of the new kid, whose expensive cologne can't cover the cheap highlights in his hair. And you know damn well I know your parents probably work under some of ours. So all you need to know right now is if i snapped my fingers, your neck could snap in a second. I have power and strength and I know how to use it. There's more to me then meets the eye, but maybe for now all you need to know is I won't hesitate to bring harm to you. You're a fucking idiot" I say, as I feel Tom's hand on my thigh and I smirk. 

Mattheo smiles and says "Same goes for me. You cross her and your messing with all of us. So stick with it, or leave" 

I smile at him, then ask Blaise what his schedule is. 

"I believe this morning we all have Potions together, then Transfiguration and Charms. This afternoon we have Divination, Care of magical creatures, ancient runes and defense against the dark arts" Blaise says studying all our time tables. 

"Oh shit" Pansy says. "What's the matter?" I ask turning to her. 

"We have double transfiguration tomorrow. With the Gryffindors" She states, curling her lip down. 

It wasn't the blood status that bothered us. Favoritism. Our two houses were known to be powerful. Only they always got to be the good guys. 

As the clock on the wall strikes 8:50, our group begins to stand up and gather our things. 

"Show me where class is?" Draco asks and Blaise nods. I guess Blaise was softening on him. 

The six of us enter the high ceilinged classroom and take seats near the back, out of instinct and habit. 

"Not so fast" McGonagal says, appearing from out of thin air. 

"Come to the front everyone, I'm dividing you into partners and seating arrangements. This class is fifth year transfiguration, along with those who did not bother to attend class last year. The following groups will work together. Zabini, Potter. Malfoy, Riddle. Fred Weasley, Parkinson. George Weasley, Black." McGonagal states, rattling other names off that I didn't bother to listen too. 

I made my way over to the tall redhead and hugged him tightly. 

"How is it possible your even more tall?" I ask, looking up at his flaming red hair and tall figure. 

He laughs and pulls out my chair for me, then sits in his own. 

"Let me guess, you're one of the people who skipped last year and has to repeat?" I ask rhetorically. 

"Second year in a row" George answers with a proud smile. 

"I'm happy for you" I say laughing. 

The class moves by slowly, George making it by far more bearable. 

"Rose, Umbridge's office, around 10 tonight? Some damage needs to be done" George asks at the end of class with a wink. 

"I'd want nothing more" I say with a smile as the bell rings. Gathering up his things, George sends me a smile then leaves the class. 

I grab my stuff and find the rest of my friends, without Blaise and Draco who'd gone off somewhere. 

"Now we have to share you with Weasley too?" Tom whispers in my ear swinging an arm around my waist. I smirk and say "Maybe I'm not yours to share" 

He whispers "Oh darling, you know you are" 

A shiver runs through my spine as I pick up my books off the desk and the two of us leave, his arm staying around my waist.  

Taking a slight detour too class, because smoking in the abandoned bathroom is apparently a necessity for Tom, and I needed him to fill me in on the book we were supposed to read this summer. 

We arrived at Herbology 5 minutes late and tried to slip in unnoticed but Tom dropped his book. 

"Ah Mr. Riddle, Ms. Black, glad you could join us." Professor Sprout says. When both of us stay frozen at the back of the room, she sighs and directs us to where we'll sit. 

"Riddle, to the left of Malfoy, same row as your brother. Black in between Diggory and Parkinson" Sprout says. We both nod and head to our assigned seats. 

I guess the two of us were alike in the way we respected teachers, to their faces at least. 

As I slide in beside Pansy and Cedric, my head almost immemadietly falls into my hands because of the absolute boredom. It was lightly raining, and the mandrakes don't like the rain, so here we are, learning plant theory.

As I look around the room, and other then Longbottom no one seems interested. Pansy is painting her nails black and Blaise is folding a piece of parchment over and over. 

Finally, work in trios is assigned and I turn to face my two partners. Cedric starts working and Pansy remains unbothered, so I turn around in my seat and glance at the three boys behind me. 

The two brunettes are splitting images of each other. Mattheo's dark hair appearing on Tom as well, the defined jawline being kept in the family. The main difference I'd say was the eyes. Mattheo's were warm and sweet, like chocolate. You could melt in them and you instantly felt warm inside. Toms were a blue so dark, you knew they would reveal nothing further. 

The blonde boy beside them interested me, his tie already messed up and hands in his hair trying to sort out the questions in front of him. This was going to be an interesting year. I could feel it.

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now