The Beginning of Summer

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"isnt it wierd that the next time we're on this train will be our last first day?" Pansy says. Draco scoffs and says "it doesnt matter pans we'll all stay close" 

I raise my eye brows and point my finger between the two of them. "you, two, are, cute!" I say. I look around the compartment and see Blaise and Athena tangled in each others prescence. I look over at Mattheo sleeping beside me, his head leaning against the window. I pull my legs up to my chest and rest my head on his shoulder. 

The couple of weeks had been hard. For first of all, the memories of tom came back. What I felt, What we went through, every minute we spent together, everything. And I miss him. 

Second it took a little bit for Mattheo and i to go back to trusting each other, completely. We weren't together, at least not that i know of. We were but we weren't. He never officially asked me out but i guess the two of us just sort of reconnected.  

I wished he would at least ask or even tell me if we were together or not. 

Sixth year at Hogwarts was over. That's wild to think about. Our apparition tests are happening at the beginning of next term, with a recommended course this summer to pass the tests. This summer I was visiting my dad. For the first few weeks anyways. 

Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Mattheo and I are going to go around Europe i think. Fun all together, but in the muggle world. 

I finally feel my thoughts calming down as I rest my eyes shut. 

"love, wake up" I hear Mattheo whispering. I keep my eyes shut though and eventually he picks me up. Holding me close to his chest like a baby, he steps our of the compartment and sees my eyes are now open. He smirks and puts me down. He picks up our bags and the two of us walk off the train. He sets my stuff down near the corner of the platform and I go on my tip toes to wrap my arms around his neck. He hugs me back and kisses my forehead. 

"see you soon don't forget to write" he says before turning around and leaving the platform. 

I pick up my stuff and turn around, almost running right into my dad. 

"dad!" I say excitedly and hug him. "i missed you Rosie" he says laughing and grabs my stuff. 

"shall we?" he asks sticking out his arm. "we shall" I say looping my arm in his as we walk down the platform before getting in his car.

"so dad, are we flying or apperating to L.A?" I asked. "not so fast young lady" he says and pulls to the side of the road. 

"so im completly out of the wizarding loop for what, one year, and you get your memory wiped and try to kill voldemort?" he says. I try so hard not to laugh but a small chuckle escapes my lips. 

"also, dont think i didnt notice mattheo riddle hugging you" he adds. I shake my head and say "voldemort is dead dad dont worry about it" 

My dad clears his throat awkwardly and says "i heard about tom" 

I steer my gaze out the window and ignore the statement. "its ok Rose we dont have to talk about it but im here for you ok?"

I nod shortly and he turns the radio back up. 

"to answer your question kiddo, we're flying" he says. "Spectactular" I say smiling and looking out the window. "not everyday I get to take my only daughter home for summer" he says. 

I turn to him seriously and say "any girlfriends i should know about?" He shakes his head. I smile to myself at that and change the station. 

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