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Class drifts by slowly, yet still not ending when the clock finally ticked 4. 

"Stay for a moment, all of you. After the break, we will all be focusing on brewing polyjuice potions. Since it is not normalized to test this on people due to your incompetence and inexperience, I will be giving you all two cats. The cats much swap forms in front of the class to show your potion has worked. For the remaining amount of class, I'd like everyone to talk to their partners and plan, begin working on the potions, and meet one of your two cats." Snape announced, a wicked sneer on his face. 

"Who are our partners?" Hermione shouted out. 

"5 points from Gryffindor, but the people seated beside you." Snape answers with a slight smile. 

Hermione groans as she turns to see Lavendar beside her, and I sigh because I'm sitting next to Malfoy. I forgot this period was a double. Mattheo and I should've skipped. 

"So Black, I'll focus on the potion for now. Just play with the cat and watch" Malfoy says coldly. 

"Can we talk? Because I don't think I should be explaining myself here." I say matching his tone. 

"You left me, not giving me a chance to explain, and then you come back and suprise everythings forgotten. And now your with Mattheo-"

"Here is your cat. Please refrain from talking during the lesson" Snape interrupts, handing us a white cat. 

"Thank you Professor" We both mumble as he walks away. 

"I don't care Malfoy" I say softly and take the small knife on our desk to cut a hair off the cat. I pass Malfoy the hair because I didn't really feel like working today, although I'd be able to do it better. Instead, I pet the cat in front of me with one hand and rest my head on my other.

Malfoy brews the potion and it looked decent, decent enough that I didn't feel the need to intervene. But suddenly, cheers erupt from the back of the room as I turn to see Blaise and Mattheo. 

They're laughing at the bubbling potion in front of them, which has turned a nasty shade of brown and is overflowing. 

"Great job smart asses" I say laughing along with everyone else. 

Mattheo winks at me and then turns back to Blaise, both of them trying to figure out how to stop the explosion before it starts, but laughing as they do it. 

"You'll be joining the two for detention!" I hear Snape yell as I turn around and see Draco, examining the textbook in front of him. 

"Why's he in detention?" I ask Snape. 

"Your potions perfect. The book he's using is a cheat, leaves nothing for him to figure out himself. Now, start brewing a new one. And I'll take that

I groan and sit down at the desk again, tracing ink on my thigh. 

"Why are you always drawing on yourself?" Draco asks. 

"Why are you always screwing everything up?" I counter. 

Both of us remain in a bitter silence, contrary to the joyful tone of the room.

The bell finally rings signifying the end of class, and everyone begins to gather their things. I start to leave but Snape stops me at the door, reminding me of detention. I sigh and set my stuff down again, sitting on one of the desks. 

"So, what are we doing this time?" I ask Snape. 

"Cleaning, and organizing." He responds. 

"Those books are in perfect order!" Mattheo exclaims. 

Bad Love- a Riddle love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now